Are there any healthy, easy to take with you breakfast foods?!


Are there any healthy, easy to take with you breakfast foods?

My husband left for work this morning with a bag of popcorn! Yesterday, he microwaved two hot dogs to take with him...

I'd like to help him get a healthy breakfast so that he doesn't eat this way, but it has to be something he can take with him... thanks~

Sarah, I hope he is not eating in the car while driving. That is not quite as dangerous as driving and talking on a cell phone, but almost.

That said, here is a list of one handed healthy foods that do not need to be peeled or opened.

An apple
Peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat bread

A variety of muffins made with whole wheat and fruit such as apples
cranberries, bananas, pineapple, and nuts. I would like to bold face this item it has lots of possibilities if you plan ahead.

Homemade oatmeal cookies made with raisin and nuts.

Grilled cheese sandwiches or grilled cheese and scrambled eggs... This one has lots of good protein but is high in fat so don't use too often .

carrot --lightly peeled at home.

If your husband is packing a breakfast to take to work or school their could be another set of options...

Have health foods on hand that your husband likes. We tend to think in terms that some foods are breakfast foods and some for other meals. It is okay to have soup and salad for breakfast and oatmeal for dinner if that fits your schedule.

I love the South Beach Diet Breakfast Wraps. It's like a breakfast burrito. They come in American Style, Denver Style and Southwest! Only take 1:45 in microwave and very portable.

Granola bars,power bars, a banana, juice box are healthy and easy to take with him. Why doesn't he just get up a few minutes earlier and eat a hot meal with you?

trail mix
granola bars (there are so many diff. one's)
breakfast burritos (microwavable one's)
yogart drinks

With 12 grams of fiber, Gnu bars make a great, portable breakfast that fills you up for hours. Try them:

breakfast bars are really good. i like the caribou coffee bars, its like a cup of coffee and a meal in one. also you can make banana smoothies or something to put in a cup on the go. don't let him take hot-dogs again girl!!

I would definately say something like a cliff bar, a banana, and a carton of yogurt. That is an extremely healthy breakfast and very very fast.

I find that 2 or 3 nutra-grain bars works for me in the morning, and they come in different flavors

There are tons of prepackaged breakfast things, but if you want to actually make something...

Make hardboiled eggs the night before. In the morning toast and english muffin and make a sandwich with the eggs and a tomatoe slice.

well, u could get some cereal bars...or those hot pocket things...or some frozen food...he could make an egg sandwich & bring it with him.......

I sometimes make a lo-cal version of an Egg McMuffin. I whip up 2 egg whites and cook them w/ a piece of lo-cal ham or turkey and put it on two pieces of 45 calorie bread.

Fresh fruit, V-8 cans , granola, lo cal trail mix are also good ideas

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