Are eggs vegetarian food?!


Are eggs vegetarian food?

Most vegetarians in the US will eat eggs, but usually packaged foods labeled as vegetarian will not contain eggs. If you cooking for someone, just ask them if they eat eggs or not. Eggs from the store have not been fertilized because the hens that lay them live their lives in a cage with no roosters in sight.

lacto vegetarian - no meat or eggs, but can include dairy products.

lacto-ovo vegetarian - no meat, but can include dairy or eggs.

vegan - no meat, eggs, dairy or anything else that came from an animal, usually including honey.


No eggs are chicken embryos.

Aborted chicken embryos? Nope.
As "Bob" says, don't just eat a hamburger, eat the hell out of it! Vegan, definitely NO

Many vegetarians will eat eggs, but some don't. Vegans for example won't eat anything that comes from animals, such as dairy and eggs.

If a chicken embryo fits into a vegetarian diet, then yes, otherwise - no.

the are vegetarian, but not vegan.

eggs are very very very high in cholesterol.. about 215 mg per egg!!

technically no. But I think they should be especially an unfertilized egg

yes, they are not meat. vegetarian don't eat meat., however they are not vegan food. which is no animal products what so ever.

Uh, no because they're chicken embreos (chickens are animals and meat).

Do eggs grow on trees ?

no its an unborn chicken

it depends...there are many types of vegetarians...if you are eggovegetarian it is..meaning you eat eggs, but no other animal products.

there are others like lactovegetarian...they eat dairy products but no other animal products.

but if you are a true vegetarian then its not

if you're an ovo-vegetarian

types of vegetarians....

Nope, eggs come from chickens...

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