British People and Food?!


British People and Food?

What do people in the UK think about their food and restuarants? The UK has a reputation for having terrible food. I was wondering if Brits taste the difference between food in their own country and other countries and if they know their food is . . .well . . . known for not being too good?

P.S. - The tea in UK is the best I have ever tasted : )

They think their food is really tasty. I live in the U.K and I am from a foreign country.

One guy on a television show made a comment that British food is bland tasteless and boring and there were loads of British people complaining that he doesn't know what he's talking about and that their food is so good.

I come from a country which has a wide variety of interesting dishes and the traditional British breakfast of Bacon, Sausages, Mushrooms and Baked Beans seems boring to me, not to mention boiled vegetables and roast Chicken for dinner which seems real boring to me as well. They don't like spicy foods, but because they grew up that way, they think it's tasty and interesting the way they eat.

Thanks to a variety of Turkish, Indian, Italian and other restaurants visitors to the United Kingdom can enjoy good food during their stay here and rarely eat the traditional English food unless they go to a pub or regular diner.

im not trying 2 be rude but can u tell me wat ur asking?thanx soz i couldn't help

well i live here and i like it. it's like any country. there is good foods and not so good food. i live in Scotland and many of the foods here are imported all over the can't judge the whole country by a few greasy cafes!.

I've been to the UK several times and it's like the USA, there are good places and there are bad places, each has their own taste, but, I like some of the UK's food. Although, I'm not really into Black Sausage ( that's got to be an acquired taste ).

i never eat out at restaurants.
decreasing the chances of food poisoning & ensuring it is really vegetarian.
yep we love our tea.
but i'm a coffee hound.

I've never heard that UK food is poor. Maybe it's all the fast food junk places. I eat out a lot and find UK cuisine fantastic. I am also a very very fussy eater! I just wouldn't eat in greasy spoons or fast food places!! You should go over to UK and try it!!!

I moved out to Spain 4 Years ago. My wife and I eat out quite regularly and we have only had 2 bad meals over here. Funnily enough they were both in British restaurants. I don't think that the location matters, if the food is good then it doesn′t matter. Sometimes the location or the ambiance has a lot to do with the enjoyment of the meal. You could have a ordinary meal, but if the restaurant has a fantastic view then the overall effect is good.

Before the Euro, I would have said that UK restaurants were overpriced compared to many on the continent. Now the gap is much narrower. In my experience we eat a lot more vegetables than the amount I've been given abroad. Also a hell of a lot more variety. In the UK we're game to try lots of other cuisines and include them in our own kitchens. I think that's pretty good. I could show you fantastic UK food. There's nothing to beat a Hereford strawberry, or fenland asparagus, Cromer crabs or Welsh sewin. We have great food.

I'm British and we have good and bad restaurants, like everywhere else really. Our gastropubs do some excellent traditional British food and deserts. I would agree with you that our tea is the best, thats the thing I crave the most when I'm on hols. x

I think our food is ok - but restuarants could be better. A greater veggie (without cheese!) and organic selection would be great.

ive tasted different foreign foods and that is exactly what they are, different. all the foods ive tasted have good and bad dishes. maybe its about personal taste but most 'other' foods tend to contain spices which many like, but i like british food i think its unique

I like it but i might just of got used to the taste!
And of course love my tea yum!

I have been to the UK and the food everywhere we went was excellent.

I think this terrible rumour got stated during the war when food was very very scarce. They survived on what ever they could while being bombed every single day. I am not sure i would want to go out and try to find a lot of food if a bomb might drop on me.

My husband is British and all of the food that he and his family prepares is excellent. He is a bit disappointed with the lack of international knowledge that many Americans have. We tend to believe what we hear, without verifying that it is the truth.

It makes him angry when people say the food in England is bad, and when you ask them if they have ever been there, they say no, but I have heard. Again, not willing to verify the facts before deciding it is the truth.

well for a start tea just ain't British, it imported from around the world and has done for about 200 years. there are many great UK restaurants every were and some of the best chefs come hear to work,

It depends what you mean by 'our food'. I had no idea other countries thought we had bad food, and I have to say that statement is utter crap. We have so much really good food but the problem is that we have really bad diets. Predominantly thanks to the USA our streets are littered with fast food outlets selling products which barely pass as food, but are cheap and can be eaten without thinking about what they taste like (or what's in them), and people have become so used to going in these places that they forget what good food actually is, and can't be bothered to find out. The fact is that we have a lot of good restaurants, but people often don't want to spend a lot of money on eating in them unless it's a special occasion. However there is also a lot of quality food available to buy for those of us who like to eat good food, you can even get it from takeaways! (for example, I live in Leeds and love curry, and if you know where to go you can get some exquisite curries delivered for less than £5. Bradford is only a few miles away and is considered to have better curries than India!) However the best way of eating good food is to simply make it yourself, cooking really is not hard, especially if you're following instructions, and it can be extremely cheap. But, like I said, we (just like the Yanks) are becoming too lazy and too used to being able to eat s**t whenever we want, and of course that attitude is being passed on to our kids. It also hasn't helped with bars and pubs selling meals that SHOULD be excellent (roast dinners for example), but aren't because they don't need to be in order for them to sell, and as such anyone who comes here to sample a 'traditional' English meal will be very disappointed, unless of course they happen upon one of the few exceptions.
So, in short, Britain has excellent food if you just take the time to find it, but we don't eat it because there are quicker and cheaper alternatives. Which is a damn shame.

I was born in England now living in Ireland, but I am still proud of the country I was born in. Everything about it is good including the food.

Britain has some wonderful foods and eating experiences:

Potato Farls
Venison burgers
Fish and chips
Chicken Tikka Masala
Dromona butter
The tradition of afternoon tea
Gordon Ramsey, the Roux brothers, Heston Blumenthal
Madeira cake
McVities plain chocolate digestive biscuits (a King amongst foods)
Worcester sauce
Transport caff breakfasts
Lamb with mint sauce
Baked beans
Betty's tea rooms
Yorkshire curd tarts
Proper marmalade
The Sunday Roast
Waitresses who like a chat
Iced fingers
Devon Clotted Cream
Ketchup in big plastic tomatoes
HP sauce
Strawberries and cream

Incidentally, I wouldn't recommend all of the above at one sitting.

They know very well that their food it's not good, that's why in here is full of foreign restaurant. My answear is this because I am a restaurant manager in liverpool and this restaurant is never empty; we do at least 100 customer per day.

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