Why is Bindi Irwin not a vegetarian?!


Why is Bindi Irwin not a vegetarian?

Okay, yes, she's only 8 years old or whatever. But I saw her on the Ellen show and she actually said "I love all animals great and small" while she petted a reptile of some sort. Then she proceeded to tell Ellen that she had eaten most of the beef jerky in the green room....

How could someone so in tune with animals, especially such a wide variety of animals, have such a disconnect in their mind? Perhaps this question should be directed more to her mother, who also masquerades as an "animal lover".....

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5 days ago
If only all you people who say you love animals but you eat them know how stupid you sound....

5 days ago
If only all you people who say you love animals but you eat them know how stupid you sound....

You pretty much answered your own question...

For the most part she's probably not a vegetarian because... she's 8. Most vegetarians I would gather were either raised as a vegetarian by their parents from day one OR they came into their own at some point as a young teen/young adult and realized they wanted to make a conscious decision about their health/lifestyle.

She wasnt raised as a vegetarian by her parents nor has she reached a point in her life yet where she realizes she doesn't necessarily *have* to eat what is placed in front of her at the dinner table.

Bindi is no different than any of the rest of us in that respect... Lots of people love animals and still eat them... Bindi isn't an exception just because she's a well-known celebrity.

How messed up is that girl going to end up being? You stupid twats... isn't she going to be a Jon Benet?? Hellooooo

oh its simple, her father wasn't compassionate towards animals in the slightest, he built a career (and maybe an empire) by exploiting animals, by annoying them on the camera. the nut doesn't fall so far from the tree.

The idea that a person can love animals and still eat them is too complex for the typical vegan mind to grasp. Thank you for proving this once again.

Animals all have a place in ecology. Cows as we know them are not natural - they've been bred over thousands of years to be domestic sources of milk and meat. Therefore the modern cow's place in the world is not the same as a buffalo or other animals that have ecological niches not shaped by man. Now, cows aren't great for the environment because they consume more than they produce, but that's a different problem.

Nothing wrong with eating food.
And growing little girls NEED protein.

I am not knocking you vegetarians, but People are healthier when they eat everything in moderation. The bible states that animals are here for us to eat. Being a animal lover doesn't mean that she can't eat right. Some animals that is what they are here for. Don't judge them for their eating preferences, that is their right, as to yours not to. I don't see why people are saying she is going to messed up?? What do you people do to help endangered animals?? That poor girl lost her dad & now she wants to do the same thing her daddy did!! What is wrong with that??? She is lucky to be able to work with those awsome animals!!!!

Loving animals and the environment doesn't mean you have to be vegetarian or vegan. That is the most close-minded, judgmental crap I've ever heard of, and its the reason most people hate vegetarians.

The animals we eat (cows, pigs, chickens) are domesticated and have absolutely no place in nature. They have no natural habitat. We eat them because we pretty much made them. If you had a basic understanding of science and the ecosystem you would realize that if we didn't eat all these domesticaed animals and decided to let them live happily ever after they would simply overrun, by sheer number, the natural population of whatever region they are raised in.

This is already seen in Hawaii, which does not have native pigs. The pigs in Hawaii were released from farms and are destroying the rain forest plants, in turn killing off native animals that depend on those plants. And yet, the PETArds, like you, insist that these pigs must not be killed or eaten.

Eating animals does not mean we don't care about the environment. People that think that way quite OBVIOUSLY do not have a degree in environmental science or ecology or biology and are simply casual animal lovers that happen to vegetarians and like to judge other people from a high-minded seat of hypocrisy.

If we didn't eat these animals MORE animals that actually belong in their own regions would die.

***To all the ppl giving me thumbs down. Do you have a problem with science and logic?

***Kostar... why don't you look up some of the top environmentalists and nature conservationists and figure out how many of them are vegetarian. You are a close-minded, self-righteous, and pompous creature and YOU are the one that doesn't know how stupid you sound. No cross that out, you are the one that doesn't know how stupid you are. You, with obviously no degree in ecology and biological science are doing jack-shat to save animals, and the people that ARE educated in such fields (such as me) and have CAREERS IN SUCH FIELDS AND EAT MEAT ARE.

So am I a terrible person cause I love my dog, but I ate a hamburger for lunch? Or cause I like having birds in my backyard, but I am having grilled chicken for dinner?

Most of us have been young meat eaters, and loved animals Sometimes the mind doesnt put together the two. I can't tell you why she isn't vegetarian I am not her. I am still trying to figure out with all the preaching Bill Maher does on the hazards of meat and the crap Americans eat, he hasnt gone all the way veg yet.. Still he promotes a vegetarian lifestyle. Not all that logical but I am not him so how can I say why he does it?

I still don't agree that people who say they love animals and eat meat are hypocrites. I ate meat for a long time and I appreciated the animals I came across, in fact said myself I was an animal lover. It wasn't until I educated myself more that I began to realize the cruelty they face everyday.

Well I love animals very much but I am also a carnivore because that is how I am made. I just do not think you must abuse an animal first before you eat it. This child is only eight and like most eight year olds she eats at MacDonald's and burger king too. When she grows up maybe she will be a vegetarian we will have to let her grow up first. Her mom is an animal lover too what are your shoes made of or that baseball or that car seat or those 100% wool clothes? I will not question a persons motives or life by a single part of it and a natural one at that.
Let them be and start with Texas or Calgary the killing fields O_O

I doubt she even thinks about where meat comes from,alot of people don't think of meat as a dead animals carcass,alot of people are raised eating meat,so they don't make the connection between animals and meat.When you go to the store and see meat in a neat and tidy styrofoam package you don't really think about a dead animal.

It is simple.

She realizes the food chain that this world has.

Animals were put on this earth to be eaten. By each other and by humans.

Without this entire ecosystems would be destroyed.

Although as humans we have developed minds we must realize that we really are just animals and to be truly healthy we need the meat that our bodies were designed to have.

The trouble is that all of the bleeding hearts who treat animals like humans.

I love animals too but they have their place and purpose.

I love you people. Do you really think that every person who loves animals would be a vegan or vegetarian? And what about all those dear precious plants you are killing so you can eat? What about their feelings? Did you ever consider that? Just because someone works with animals doesn't mean they can't eat meat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love all animals.... all of them. And I feed homeless animals and I have moved turtles out of the road so they don't get hit....

I'm not a vegetarian.

Being vegetarian is not going to save anymore animals.
Meat is still made... people will still buy meat even if you don't.

No matter what any vegetarian or vegan says, not eating meat is unhealthy unless you take lots of vitamins and make sure you get ALL the nutrients you need.
And it's incredibly bothersome to try to get food in lots of places that isn't cooked in the same oil they cook meat in, etc.

Besides.... she's 8! I bet there's not any 8 year old vegetarians.... unless their parents make them do it.

I've heard that vegetarianism is next to non-existant in Australia.

You know, you don't necessary need to be a vegetarian if you love animals. I love them too, but this doesn't mean I don't eat meat. And, if you want to know, a healthy body needs not only vegetable proteins, but also animal proteins, wich are milk, eggs and...meat! I find this vegetarian thing a little stupid! And, as far as I know, the law is: Eat or be eaten! So, don't blame that poor girl, because she has all the right to love animals without being a stupid vegetarian!

She isn't a vegetarian, but she does loves animals?

I became a vegetarian at the age of exactly 8, this is when I made the connection between my love for animals and where the meat on my plate came from. My mother encouraged this, and today I sit here typing as a vegan.

Her family I'm sure has a huge impact on how she makes the connections between animals and meat. If I understand correctly her father exploited animals on television to make large amounts of cash. He is called "the Crocodile Hunter" not the crocodile lover. He tormented and harassed these animals for his own gain.

He daughter is going to be on confused animal lover. Vegetarian or not.

Anyone can have a passion for animals, doensn't mean they should be non-meat eaters.

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