Should I go vegan? Dairy conditions in the UK?!


Should I go vegan? Dairy conditions in the UK?

I've been a vegetarian for about a year now after deciding I no longer wanted to gain any pleasure from someone else's pain. I was practically addicted to meat so it was really hard for me at first, but it's got a lot easier. Now I'm trying to decide whether or not I should go vegan.

I've heard a lot about cruelty in other countries involving dairy products but have always thought that in the UK cows and chickens lead pretty happy lives. I only buy free range eggs and have reasoned that these animals are sheltered and fed in return for what they give us. I've even heard that cows need to be milked and find it painful when they're not. I've been to countless farms in the UK in the past and the cows and chickens seem happy to me.

So can anyone in the UK tell me any different? Am I being naive in thinking no cruelty is involved? It will be a hassle for me to go vegan.. I'm already underweight and get a lot of my protein from eggs, but if pain is involved then I don't mind changing.

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5 days ago

What else wouldn't I be able to eat and why?

For example... why should I not eat honey? what cruelty is involved?

5 days ago

What else wouldn't I be able to eat and why?

For example... why should I not eat honey? what cruelty is involved?

I was veggie for ages but got a leaflet from the vegan socity & went vegan asap
I couldnt belive the suffering to cows
I too thought they had happy lives but saw they were so over fed from the growth hormones, had the calfs taken away asap so they dont drink their milk and were dragging their teats on the ground as they were so obese

it was easier than I though and can get a meal almost everywhere.
I have both veggie & vegan friends & we get along nicely although some members of the public dont like vegans as they are so scared of the commitment we have made

there are lots of vegans out there to support you & help you to do this if its what you want to do & you can make alot of friends
if not then just by being veggie you are saving alot of animals

we have a local veggie vegan group & we have alot of social
nights out, fundraisers, picnics, walks etc

check out these links for nice info

you can get some free veggie & vegan info packs
& life is so much nicer when you know your not hurting animals or yourself with eggs or dairy


Maybe you could buy directly from a small farm? That way you would know where your food comes from and support your neighbors as well.

My daughter is a vegetarian and she has Vegan friends, the difference is that vegetarians are people that you can actually be around and enjoy life with, and Vegans are SOOOO PRECIOUS! Critiquing everything you put in your mouth, and yeah, I couldn't believe the honey thing either, bees produce much more honey than they can possible ever eat,you are not abusing them, they will do what they do whether you collect the honey or not.
Have you ever heard of a beekeepers bees starving?
Even Hindus drink milk and eat honey, and their religion is based upon the sanctity of all life

well being vegan is more than a diet it is a lifestyle

I think being a vegan has many advantages-health wise. Go for it!

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