Does anyone else get hiccups every time they eat...?!


Does anyone else get hiccups every time they eat...?

Brown bread? or is it just me?!

no but my mother gets it from oranges.
maybe something in it youre allergic to.
its heavy maybe.

Try eating more slowly!

its because brown bread is so dry

Like 75% of the time I get hiccups when I eat, I don't know why tho.

Not every time I eat, but often with starches-- bread, rice, potatoes.

If I do not have a drink at the same time I often get them.

My dad and brother.

You swallow too fast, try swallowing slower. Also have something liquidy (sauce, dipping sauce or olive oil) with your bread.

i only get hiccups when i drink loads of cola! not brown bread tho!

Every time I go thru a drive thru and sip my diet Dr. Pepper I get them. Ruins the meal by the way!

Hiccups happens when the phrenic nerve (nerve that controls the diaphragm) becomes irritated. This happens when your stomach is too full or you eat too fast. It can also happen from emotialy excitement.
It may be that you like brown bread or you do not like brown bread and because of that you eat it a bit too fast.

Every time I drink anything with carbonation in it, flavored water or diet sodas. They last for about 20 minutes.

hi my name is billie i,m female i,m 21 yrs old. yes i do when i take one bite of anything then i take 2 drinks of water there gone need more advice e-mail me bye good luck

You may experience hiccoughs for a number of different reasons. Brown bread is unlikely to cause hiccoughs, it is likely that it is a more general than that and that it is lifestyle that is causing it. For example it could be caused by eating too quickly, by not resting after you have eaten, exercising shortly after eating, lying down too soon after eating, stress, not chewing your food well. It is possible some food and drinks may irritate you, these would be things such as spicy foods, acidic foods or alcohol.

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