How does KFC keep their secret recipe SECRET?!


How does KFC keep their secret recipe SECRET?

I'm not looking for the recipe. I am just curious as to how KFC, Coca-Cola, and other huge companies keep their secret recipes a secret for so long? Who mixes their recipes? The sheer volume means that many people have to be involved in the process. Someone please lend some insight.

The recipe is kept in a vault. Only a few people have access to it. You're right. The ingredients are mixed commercially, but they split it up and one company mixes part of the recipe...another company mixes another...and so on. Then the parts are combined at the end.

They're all hermetically sealed in a mayonnaise jar and sitting on Funk and Wagnalls porch.

i dont think they really have a secret recipe. it's probably the different amount of hormones the chickens release when they're being scalded alive. or maybe its the poop the excrete out of sheer horror.

Do you think they have a unique taste? It's marketing.

Some do a better job than others....I have at least 2 ebooks that specialize in copycat recipes. I haven't trie a lot, but a friend did and said that some are nearly identical and some not even close (BUT usually you can tell by reading them). Some recipes were shared by employee's, others by cooks with good palates---and a good cook can usually recreate almost any recipe. They usually can tell you what is in it, then it's just figuring out how much of what. Some try to keep them secret by make the franchises buy it pre-made (ie McDonald's special sauce). But many "secret recipes" aren't that much of a secret!

KFC's has been out for awhile. Since my Mom's fried chicken is by far the best I've ever had, if I treat myself to fried chicken I make her recipe not KFC lolol. Also I recall reading years ago that you could do a quick copy of KFC with Good seasoning salad dressing spices.

Here's the KFC one (even though you didn't want the recipe just thought I'd show how accessible it is), a couple links that show most chain recipes. If you'd like those ebooks let me know, I'd be glad to share, but not sure if you so much care about the recipes as the concept. (but figured others reading this might want some of the recipes even if you didn't lol).

The recipe is probably full of so much c**p that they don't even know them self!

i seen it on food network they keep it seled in a vault at the kfc head quarters

I worked there as a teenager back in the 1970's, in Canada, the flour used for coating the chcicken come in bags, and is not labelled with ingredients.

The secret is not the ingredients, but the amounts in the flour, it is like any of the corpoate secrets, Coke, McDonald's Special Sauce and most of the big chains food supplies.

Now a days, commercial food is so computerized and made in sanitary non-human related environments, that generally only 2 or 3 people have any idea what is used in the preparation.

I was a chef for 20 yrs and people would ask for my recipes and I was always happy to give them, the only thing I would caution them about is the way I made each dish, in some sence even with a guarded secret recipe, there can be a slight difference from batch to batch. Raw foods and even other ingredients can have slight deficencies and make things just a bit different.

large rodents.
JK :}=

Its like in Sponge Bob the owner keeps it in his office and nobody is alowed to leave.

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