I am looking for the name of a Hungarian/Eastern European cookie/pastry made with puff pastry?!
"Hayas" is an English transcription of "hájas tészta".
"Hájas tészta" is a kind of dough used in pastries/cakes of different shape and design.
"Hájas tészta" is made from "háj". "Háj" is inner pork fat (like around kidney and other inner parts of pig). I don't know English word for it. (To be distinguished from "zsír", which is fat under the pigs skin.)
Here is one recipe for this dough:
600 g háj (pork inner fat)
950 g liszt (flour)
2 tojás (eggs)
? ek só (salt)
? ek cukor (sugar)
175 g tejf?l (fat sour cream)
150 ml száraz fehérbor (dry white wine)
100 ml szénsavas víz (soda water)
If you google "Hájas tészta" you get thousands of others.
I'm gonna take a stab at this and say: KIEFLIES
I make mine with a rich egg pastry dough, not puff pastry.
It has almond paste filling, and you put powdered sugar on them.
They are very popular hungarian cookies.
i dono wat it is exactly. but it looks closer to a danish pastry. try googlin n chek.