Why are most vegetarians so self-righteous and pushy?!


Why are most vegetarians so self-righteous and pushy?

This question was inspired by a vegetarian twit here on Yahoo who asked a question insinuating that people that love animals (such as me) cannot possibly eat meat (I do).

So I have a few questions you people:

1. What exactly do you propose be done with the hundreds of millions of DOMESTICATED cows, chickens, and pigs out there? If we let them out they will destroy the natural habitat of where they have been farmed and kill native animals. Please, try and answer this question.

2. If people that love animals can't possibly be eating meat then why is it that people like Rebecca Aldworth, Tim Flannery, Jacques Costeau, and the vast majority of environmentalists eat meat?

3. If you vegetarians love animals so much then why do you have careers in other fields? Or is it that you are just casual animal people that know nothing about the actual science behind animal conservation?

4. If I am not obnoxiously pushing you to eat meat, why must you push me to be vegetarian?

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5 days ago
By the way, I was recently considering trying to eat in a more vegetarian-friendly style, because I think its healthier and, to a degree, I don't agree with the manner in which most animals are slaughtered.

However, after a recent trip to Northern California where I was lambasted by the PUSHY vegetarians (I know there are nice ones) I've decided that I will never become a vegetarian because you people have no respect for others, which is why you have given all of your fellow vegetarians a bad name... I would hate to be lumped in with all the pushy, a-hole vegeteritards.

You preachy people are so counterproductive.

5 days ago
Katie G.

1. Ever heard of feral pigs taking over Hawaiian tropical rainforests? Or how about the feral pigs down in the South that grow to hundreds of pounds and are dangerous for both people and other animals?

3. I'm an environmental science major and I will be going into a conservation career as soon as I'm out of grad school. I'm doing a hell of a lot more than you to save animals.

4. Meat eaters don't preach. I've never preached to someone else to eat me. I've been preached at countless times to stop eating meat. I get angry because people confused environmentalism with vegetarianism and PETA with the environmentalism because you vegetarians purposely perpetrate that idea onto the general public.

5 days ago
By the way, I was recently considering trying to eat in a more vegetarian-friendly style, because I think its healthier and, to a degree, I don't agree with the manner in which most animals are slaughtered.

However, after a recent trip to Northern California where I was lambasted by the PUSHY vegetarians (I know there are nice ones) I've decided that I will never become a vegetarian because you people have no respect for others, which is why you have given all of your fellow vegetarians a bad name... I would hate to be lumped in with all the pushy, a-hole vegeteritards.

You preachy people are so counterproductive.

5 days ago
Katie G.

1. Ever heard of feral pigs taking over Hawaiian tropical rainforests? Or how about the feral pigs down in the South that grow to hundreds of pounds and are dangerous for both people and other animals?

3. I'm an environmental science major and I will be going into a conservation career as soon as I'm out of grad school. I'm doing a hell of a lot more than you to save animals.

4. Meat eaters don't preach. I've never preached to someone else to eat me. I've been preached at countless times to stop eating meat. I get angry because people confused environmentalism with vegetarianism and PETA with the environmentalism because you vegetarians purposely perpetrate that idea onto the general public.

First off, sorry about that. Some people tend to get a little wrapped up in things. I've been a vegetarian for a year now and I try very hard to respect peoples decisions because I expect the same back from them. To your questions:
1. You have to remember that those animals are still destroyed to fill a pretty large demand from the meat-eating public. Also, if you know anything about biology and evolution, when a population lacks a predator, the numbers will rise, but eventually food shortages (from feeding a higher number) will drive the population down again to a reasonable number. Numbers of different species rise and fall fairly frequently with no harm to their habitat.
2. Just because they are environmentalists doesn't mean that they love animals. Environmentalists are concerned with conservation of natural resources and avoidance of pollution.
3. I'm an anthropology major because I care about people, too. I partially chose my field because of what I just said. I want to help other people understand other cultures and respect peoples wish to be a part of that culture or group. Some of introductory classes were in primatology and biology (for archaeology specialization). I have a friend who wants to be a zoologist because she really does, to the bottom of her heart love animals. She eats meat. Trust me, we know about animals. We may not all be veterinarians, but we care about them enough to research and learn what we need to know.
4. I can't answer that except to say that somepeople don't know when to quit. It is your right to eat meat as much as it is ours not to. Most of us are pretty tame, but some are over the top and I'm truly sorry that this experience has made you think so ill of us. I promise we aren't all like that.
In truth, we offentimes suffer the same thing. Meat-eaters think that we are unnatural freaks and after a while it really gets old. Maybe said twit had just had a dose of that shoved at them? In any case, it shouldn't have happened. Hope this helps some.

tend to believe that the rest of us are in the error of our ways.....cruelty to animals etc

most people who get headstrong on a subject tend to come off that way

I agree, you get a star!!!! I personally love meat, but I respect those that do not. I don't run around preaching about meat eating and throwing ground beef at people. I would like the same respect. They are obnoxious and rude!!! The more they pull that crap the more meat I want to eat!!!

I for one agree one gazillion percent...

1. Include "wildlife"...The most dangerous animal in the US is the whitetail deer...More people die each year because of car wrecks they cause than any snake, spider, or other animal...What will happen if we do not control deer populations scientifically (Controlled deer hunts.)?

2. Meat is good food...

3. They cant really be around live animals...They smell and things....And they make your hands dirty...EEEEEWWWW-dirt..

4.I eat meat...I don't care what the fringe element does...

1. Truth be known nobody is going to go vegetarian all at one time. You and I both know that will never happen. By people converting to a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle the demand will be less thus making the supply lessen year after year. These animals don't breed like bunnies, they are artificially bred for factory farming, thats why there is a great amount of them now. If we ever reached the point where the whole world decided not to eat meat, its highly doubtful that we will be overrun with livestock. I am not sure what "natural" habitat you are even speaking of, unless you consider factory farms natural. Since we have domesticated these animals its more than likely they wouldn't survive and eventually nature would take over so to say. You would soon see the extinction of domesticated animals kept for slaughter. I certainly don't see this as a bad thing, these animals have no chance of a natural life as it is.

2. You would have to take that up with them.

3. If you love animals so much why aren't you doing more??? I am surely making an effort to support my beliefs, I am also human. I think its sad that instead of recognizing we are contributing to a cause, you tell us do more do more!!! Typical response . What are you doing to stand up for what you believe in??

4. I think your questions in general are obnoxious. You don't really want to know the answers to these questions, you want to justify your anger by pointing your fingers at others. Look into yourself to understand why it upsets you so much to hear people don't think you love animals. If you feel you do, than you hardly need to prove it to us, do you?

**thats lovely by the way...you decide because you didn't like said group of people that even though you were aware of the practices that go on with factory farming, you were willing to turn your back on that because your ego got hurt.

Wow - you seriously were thinking about going more vegetarian with your eating but because some people in one section of the United States (that is KNOWN for being very pro environmental and "alternative lifestyle") acted in a way that made you mad and so now you're going to get your revenge by eating more meat? What are you? Twelve?

Here's some answers, although I have a feeling they will be lost on you:

1. Is this some kind of hypothetical "What if everyone stopped eating meat right now" sort of question? Because those are lame. If there were no more "food animals" being bred then their numbers would eventually get under control.

2. They must be hypocrites. Or uneducated. Or they love the taste of certain foods more than they love animals. WHO KNOWS?

3. Our entire LIFESTYLE revolves around animal conservation, not just our jobs.

4. Because you have no valid reason to push meat on people, but there are a whole lot of very valid, scientifically proven reasons to go veg.

Seems to me like you're the one being pushy. And if you eat meat, why do you care so much? Maybe you should raise your own food. That way, YOU can be the one to slit their throat.

1.) Stop the mass breeding, for one. Then we wouldn't have such a problem. And in all fairness, this is their world too, they have the right to be able to have their own habitat. Is it not 'fair' or right for them to just live? I've had many cows as pets, and I know many people have pets of all kinds. It's not like they'd be let loose all over.

2.) It's a fact, we all have to eat. Until you become aware of the pain animals go through or you have a conscience you won't understand. If you visit the floor of a slaughterhouse it will brand your soul forever. By the way, you can't eat meat and consider yourself an environmentalist. Why? For one, raising animals for food takes up more than half the world's water supply.

3.) So, because individuals choose to have a vegan lifestyle, they must work with animals? That's not what it's about. People choose different careers for themselves. If I support our troops and what the president is doing, does that mean I have to sign up and go to Iraq in order to understand?

4.) No one is pushing you to be a vegetarian. Stop being so damn defensive. Maybe a small step you can take is to actually see where your meat comes from. I'll provide you with links, it's up to you.

What our main concern is - educating the public, those who are willing to take five minutes out of their day to take a look at what it's like being an animal raised for food. You don't have to stop eating meat, just have some sense.

It's about being able to live guilt free. I could NEVER eat my horse or dog, and I love all animals - that means my 'meat eating' days are over.

Lastly, if you're unwilling to take our perspective or opinion into consideration, or possibly learn about something new, refrain from throwing out daggers and mind your own.

* Is it not enough that we refrain from eating meat simply because of the inhumanity of it?

Auschwitz begins when someone looks at a slaughterhouse and thinks, "they're only animals."

Meat has something important for our body told my therapist and vegetarians they want pies of meat,some animals were created to be our food.

1. The world wouldn't decide to go veg all together, if it really does happens (even though its impossible), it will only be a gradual way, so there wouldn't be a sudden release of millions of animals.
2. You can love some animals and eat the others' meat, nobody says you can't. But if I really love a pig, I wouldn't think of eating it, just like if I really love cats and dogs, I wouldn't want to eat them.
3. Loving animals and working in another field are not mutually exclusive.
4. No one is pushing you to be a vegetarian. Not all vegetarians promote vegetarianism, and for those who do, if you don't like what we are saying, you can always ignore us.

I think that a lot of new vegetarians become vegi-zealots, just like converts to religions and the like.

Don't confuse diet with beliefs. I personally can't stand PETA and the other pushy groups and would never donate money to them.

Well, if you were in Northern California, that is probably where many of the people are very liberal and like to talk to other people about their beliefs.

I don't like when people are pushy about things really. Of course I get the "eat meat" thing from time to time but never talk to people about not eating meat.

I've probably run into around 100 vegetarians, and very few of them are pushy, most of them are reserved.

1.Not everyone would go vegetarian at the same time.

2.I don't think you can love animals and eat meat,or maybe you just care more about your taste buds.I couldn't imagine someone saying they are a cat lover,yet they ate cats.Same thing goes for other animals.If you had to kill animals yourself I'm sure you'd think twice about eating meat.

3.I haven't started on a career yet

4.I never pushed you to go vegetarian,YOU were generalizing all of us.I do get told to eat meat p[lenty of times,by family and friends,most of the time I never even bring it up,when someone finds out they'll say stuff "humans are omnivores and have to eat meat" or "veganism isn't healthy."I've never told anyone to stop eating meat.

what? we are no different. the meat eaters just make a big fuss all the time

Tell me about it. Some idiot vegelooney answered all the questioned that I recently answered and then blocked me, so that I couldn't view any of my current answers. All because I said I thought that steak seems healthier than a bunch of supplement pills and gooey crap in a tube.

Who says? You? Well I for one am not and neither are most of the folks that answer questions here. People like you come in here ALL the time and make obnoxious comments and make fun of us....stop calling the kettle black.

1. If enough people went suddenly veggie to actually affect the industry at all, and the demand for meat decreased, it would mean animals which were surplus to requirement. They're kidding yourself if they think that would mean they'd live happily ever after, as they couldn't be sold no one would want to keep them, and they'd still be slaughtered.
The second farmers couldn't sell their livestock, the second they couldn't make a profit, they wouldn't keep them any more. Keeping animals isn't cheap, and to keep them, without profit, would be hugely expensive to any farmer. How many do you reckon would be prepared to make that kind of loss?
Now, what'd happen then? Maybe a few wild pigs or goats would stay alive, but for the most part it would be impossible to release them into the wild. The vast majority would have to be slaughtered. Now there's a fun fact.
Of course, it wouldn't happen suddenly and it is likely less would be bred, but of course, that still means they aren't helping or saving any animals.

The others are good points too, but none I can add answers to.

@ Katy G

I quote, from a source I cannot remember, "If no one were allowed to farm animals, farms would grow crops instead. The first thing to go would be all the animals. Once the rural landscape were rid of cattle, sheep, and the like, fields would get larger, for the convenience of the combine harvesters, and hedgerows would go. Wild animals like rabbits would now be a more major pest. No farmer would want animals eating the plants, and so the war on such animals would intensify. Grown in the fields would be domesticate species of food crops, and so the number of plant species would decline."

Domestication is one of the best things that can happen to animals. If the golden eagle tasted any good you can bet your life it wouldn't be nearly extinct.

I quote "In the wild, a sheep would have to look for food, compete for it, jockey for position in the herd, look out for predators, guard its offspring, and it one day would die because of some accident, perhaps a fall, some nasty illness, or it would become weak and have its throat ripped out by the local predators. By striking contrast, the life of a farmed sheep is rather different. A farmed sheep has complete protection from predators; all the food of exactly its favourite kind at its feet all day every day, for which it does not have to compete; no competition for mates; no need to guard offspring; free health care; free haircuts; it is very unlikely to die in childbirth, and unlikely to die a nasty death. True, half a ewe’s offspring are taken away and killed. However, in the wild, a ewe would lose most of its offspring anyway, and in nastier circumstances. By the standards of the natural wild, a sheep’s life is about as cushy as a life could possibly be."

This is true, animals in the wild invariably die violent deaths. the closest an animal will get to dying of old age is being picked by a predator because it it old and therefore an easier to target. Farmed animals lead happier, healthier, less stressful lives than those in the wild. The exception would be factory farmed chickens, etc, but I don't think disagreeing with that alone is a good reason to hate the entire meat industry.

@ JenasaurusX

Yep, everyone who disagrees with your point of view, but still loves animals must either be a hypocrite or an idiot. I like the way your point isn't at all fair or balanced, and the way it completely ignores that those people are probably all a lot more educated on the subject than you.

@ Bombastic

I've not been to a slaughterhouse, I admit, but I've seen Peta's videos on them, and that didn't stop me eating meat at all, and I know I'm not the only one. What you're doing is saying everyone who disagrees with you is ignorant or hasn't a conscience. That you may think it wrong doesn't mean there aren't plenty of decent people who don't. If you can't see that you have no grounds at all to start telling people to take your perspective into consideration. Those in glass houses...

'Auschwitz begins when someone looks at a slaughterhouse and thinks, "they're only animals."'

The implication here is that a society which doesn't disagree with eating meat will eventually start massacring Jews? Yea, that's actually the single most ridiculous point I've heard in weeks.

1.We can have domestic animals without eating them. If the market for them stops then the numbers will shrink. There are millions of domestic dogs and cats out there but we dont eat them.
2.I couldn't really tell you why some environmentalists eat meat because I'm not them.
3.I dont understand this question? I'm not a waiter or anything, I dont serve the food to anyone.
4.We have knowledge about something that we know as fact, and we feel that it has to come out.
Its kinda like if I saw a person doing something that was really wrong but they didnt know it was wrong, then I would try to stop them.
We know things about what people eat that is absolutely horrible.
Its wrong to eat these things not only for the animal but for their health.
They probably dont know these thing.
So we try to stop them.
Why are Christians so pushy? Because they are fighting for what they believe in, right.
Most vegan aren't trying to be pushy they just want to make sure people know what they're doing.
I hope you understand a little better now.
Have a nice day >^.^<

I don't think you've met most vegetarians, therefore you are not qualified to make that judgment. By the way, the billions of domesticated animals will simply die out and become extinct. It's not rocket science. and yes, meat eaters do preach. just because you personally don't preach doesn't mean others don't. you don't represent every meat eater in the world.

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