Safe to leave oven on for an hour while i go to the store? 350 degrees?!


Safe to leave oven on for an hour while i go to the store? 350 degrees?

The chances of your house burning down: slim.

Should you still risk it? I wouldn't.

Never trust it.
not worth it.

Noo I don't think you should!

Nope, not at all. Fire could break out. You may end up taking longer than you think. Anything could happen

sure it's safe,I leave mine like that all the time

No, i wouldnt take the chances. No matter WHAT. Even if you are just going to be 5 minutes, you never know what could possibly happen. Don't chance it, please.
Goodluck with your saftey,

Sure, as long as you're confident there's nothing wrong with your oven and don't leave anything on the rangetop surface you don't want to get hot.

NO NO NO! You can't predict traffic, the check out lines, etc...
If you are late getting home..then what?

Deffently not. there is always a chance something could go wrong even if it was just down the street for 5.

NO!! What if there is some malfunction, then you place burns DOWN? NEVER leave something like that ON!! I am sorry. I know its an Inconvenience, but not as much as all your stuff going UP IN SMOKE!

Wow...I'm actually surprised at all of the no answers here. I leave my oven on all day sometimes if I'm roasting something...for brisket, usually 12 hours. I've left it on to go to work, to go to mow...whatever. I'm not sure I've left it at 350, but 250-300 for sure. Hmmm.

My oven can be programmed to start and stop at whatever times I set it to. I do this occasionally. If yours can be programmed, that would be more advisable than just turning it on and going off and leaving it for an undetermined amount of time.

!! Don't Do IT !!

Don't leave the oven ON unattended.

- Bad Practice
It's too easy to start picking up bad practices in the kitchen.
"Better 2 B Safe than Sorry"
Nothing is likely to happen, buy Why Risk It ??

- Waste of Energy
If nothing is cooking/baking -- Why Is It On ??
Kinda like leaving a couple of floodlights ON during daytime.
You can do it, buy Why pay for the non-essential energy ?


no...only a crock pot is safe to leave on, nothing else

Don't do it... What if you had a wreck while going to the store, and had to be taken to hospital. You might be in the hospital for three or four days, getting well. In the meantime..... your oven will get really hot, and maybe something could go wrong, and burn your house down. Think about it.
If you're baking, it only takes 5 or 10 minutes for the oven to heat up, so only turn it on, at the start of the recipe, and when you are home. Good luck

That's a tricky one, around the holidays my oven runs practically non-stop. But I am very careful to clean it prior and make sure it's running okay. I also make sure nothing ontop could catch fire. But I always turn if off if I have to leave the house or make sure someone can be here while it's on. I've always been cautious about that sort of thing. I still unplug my toaster :)
I would say if it's relatively new, not gas operated obviously and your gone for a short period it 'could' be safe. But I would not personally recommend it. Another thing to stress is again that it's clean, I've had my share of spatters or nasties I missed stuck inside that led to fires - big nasty!!


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