What's the difference between vegetarians and vegans?!


What's the difference between vegetarians and vegans?

And what's so healthy about them?

A vegan will only eat vegetables and fruit they avoid all meat, eggs, and dairy. The vegan is the strictest type of vegetarianism. There are several types of vegetarians:
Ovo-lacto-Vegetarians eat eggs, milk, cheese, and other dairy products.

Ovo-Vegetarians eat eggs.

Lacto-Vegetarians eat Cheese, and other dairy products.

Health wise if you are going to be a vegetarian its better not to be a vegan. There are proteins and vitamins that the body cannot make for themselves and are only found is meat, eggs and dairy. If you are not going to eat meat you should at least have eggs or dairy at least once a week to give the body what it needs to be truly healthy.

College health and nutrition class.

College health and nutrition class.

i can't answer the second part of your question, but I do know that vegetarians will often eat some animal products like milk and eggs, while vegans eat absolutely no animal products.

vegetarians.... they eat... eggs.. cheese... or drink milk.. vegans.. dont eat anything that comes from an animal. They are healthy because they have to take more care of what they eat, since they dont get proteins from meat...some are not very healthy cuz they dont get the proteins

By most people's definitions, vegetarians eat eggs and dairy products and vegans don't.

a vegetarian is someone that eats primarily vegetables and plant based foods, a vegan is someone that doesn't use any animal products whatsoever, that means no leather shoes, no leather belts or anything that comes from any kind of animal and they also do not eat or drink anything that comes from animals.

Vegetarians don't eat meat, poultry or fish. They eat eggs and dairy foods.

Vegans don't eat dairy foods (milk, butter, cheese) or anything else that comes from animals, like eggs.

They're not healthier.

Technically there should be no difference, though society would say that a vegetarian eats not meat, though animal by products such as, milk and gelatin, are fair game. A vegan can differ greatly from one another and is far more a lifestyle than a diet. They often don't wear clothing made from animals such as leather and fur. Vegans eat nothing from an animal and vary on other things that might be deamed as possibly harming an animal such as honey, wax and yeast.

Vegetarianism is the practice of not consuming the flesh of any animal (including sea animals) with or without also eschewing other animal derivatives, such as dairy products or eggs. Some vegetarians choose to also refrain from wearing clothing that has involved the death of animals, such as leather, silk and fur. Veganism excludes all animal products from diet and attire, whether or not their production has involved the actual death of an animal (dairy, eggs, honey, wool, silk and down feathers). Vegetarians have varied motivations including religious, cultural, ethical, environmental, social, economic, and health concerns.

Veganism (also strict or pure vegetarianism) is a philosophy and lifestyle that seeks to exclude the use of animals for food, clothing, or any other purpose. Vegans do not use or consume animal products, notably meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and dairy products.

A 2002 Time Magazine poll, and a National Diet & Nutrition Survey in Great Britain, indicated that some of the most popular reasons for practicing a vegan diet include ethical concerns for animal rights or the environment, perceived health benefits, and spiritual or religious concerns. Various polls have reported vegans to be between 0.2% and 1.3% of the U.S. population, and between 0.25% and 0.4% of the UK population. The Times estimates there are 250,000 vegans in Britain.

Vegetarian diets like veganism have been credited with lowering the risk of colon cancer, heart attack, high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, prostate cancer, and stroke. However, due to health risks associated with the reduced levels of some vitamins and minerals in a poorly-managed diet (B12, D, calcium and iodine), vegans are encouraged to take supplements.

Hope this helps! =)

vegans dont eat/wear any animal products at all

vegetarians along with vegetables and fruit will eat fish & other seafood, chicken eggs & all poultry, but not cow lamb pork....then say they dont eat meat. Note: They all have muscle tissue which make them meat.

vegans only eat vegetables & fruit and nothing of animal products or seafood...no eggs butter cake milk & dairy.

Nothing is healthy about either...they fool themselves and try to fool others with their hypocracy saying animals are living creatures with faces so you cant eat them they are intellegent, but it's okay to eat vegetables and fruit which live too & this along with being loud about their stupid notions...they'll lack vital vitamins needed for the human body such as calcium, Bvitamin & amino which are needed to build the proteins in your body and mind...omega 3 which is in fish would be lacking in a vegan diet.

they are politcal and not health wise to project a view that's all...balance your diet with vegetables fruit meat and dairy and egg
Peta has lied about saying milk is only for baby cows in an effort to have you drink bean juice...soy milk & milk lactating women who are breast feeding.
they've lied about kfc boiling chickens alive in oil, which the only way to take the feathers off is to use hot water & if you use oil you cook it with the feathers and it's insides before you clean and batter it...

Please dont fall in the trap of either the vegans or the vegetarians.

The Veggers are on the Left and The Vegans are on the Right

They fight over the cheese

The Vegans well you know......

they get what they want in the end. Just like the Pagans

Vegans vary greatly. The reference to someone as being vegan is generally in regards to their diet, but it can come into other parts of their lives. Nobody can 100% avoid animal products. Vegans typically do what they can by not eating any animal products or anything made from an animal product/by-product. Some vegans will wear leather, some won't. Some will use film, some won't. Just depends on how far they want to take it.
Vegetarians fall into a few categories. Some are "semi-vegetarians" who eat some chicken and fish, but avoid pork and red meat. Some exclude all animals except fish. Some will not eat any animal products, including eggs and dairy, but prefer not to be called vegans (generally to avoid being called hypocrites for inevitably using some type of animal product). Most vegetarians, however, fall into the category of "lacto-ovo", meaning they eat eggs and dairy, but not flesh. They generally don't agree with an animal being killed for food, therefore eggs and milk products are acceptable.
People are drawn to a vegetarian lifestyle for many reasons. Some have ethical or health concerns. Some have certain religious beliefs that restrict their diet. Others are concerned for gastronomic reasons. Still others believe by becoming vegetarian, they will be healthier.
Vegetarians are, in general, considered to be healthier than the average consumer. It is not because they are a vegetarian, but it is because of what they choose to eat within their system of accepted foods. After all, I could simlpy eat cookies and drink Mountain Dew all day and call myself a vegetarian. That certainly would not make me healthier than a non-vegetarian who chose to eat a diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and lean meats.
Whatever path you choose, it is important to make healthy decisions and take care of yourself.

That's one of the most often asked questions in this section!
Vegetarians although they don't eat any meat whatsoever they do eat eggs, milk, icecream and other dairy products.
Vegans don't eat meat and don't eat any dairy products whatsoever. See my 360 Yahoo blog for more info on this!

1.) Vegetarians:
eat no animals whatsoever, whether they walk, swim or fly.
They do not eat foods animals had to die for, such as gelatin.
They may or may not decide to eat eggs and dairy.

2.) Vegans:
The same as vegetarians except they eat no product that came from animals. This means no eggs, dairy, honey and byproducts such as casein and whey.
They do not use products made from animals such as leather suede, wool, silk or down.
They do not use products that were tested on animals.

3.) Veg*ans have a lower risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, some cancers, osteoporosis, type II diabetes, and kidney disease...


There are several medical journals that share this info as well, but these are the sites I have readily on file.

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