How to make good scrambled eggs. (omlet)?!


How to make good scrambled eggs. (omlet)?

add butter in the pan
scramble as much egg u need
but its not for big plates
i mean 5 is the maximum
scramble them really good
u can add salt and pepper on it
or while cooking
then pour it in the butter/pan
if u have any sort of bakon
pastrmy, i dont know the names in english sorry
and cheese
wait till the egg is getting firm a little bit
add the cheese and whatever u want to add
put it in a row in the middle
and fold one end over the adds
and while puting it on the plate fold
the other end
so that the adds is covered in the middle of the egg
and eat it
hope i said it right
my english is bad
i can tell u whatever u want in french or Deutsch

take care

heat up the pan to about a little less than half heat.....layer the bottom lightly with cooking oil......when the pan is fully heated up pour an egg mixture of two eggs that have been mixed in a bowl with a dash of milk.......when it kind seems like it holding togther then add you favorite meat(that you cooked before you started the eggs),cheese, jalopnios and anything else you like(bell pepper and such)
good luck

You want scrambled?
Take a bowl and whip your eggs... till frothy..
Place them in a heated pan with a dab of butter and keep turning them till cooked slightly browned..
Same deal....whip till frothy.. I don't add water or milk to mine but some do..
Place in the heated pan again with a dab of butter so it won't stick.. and just keep pushing slightly at the edges but keep the heat on low after it gets going..
I put a cover on for a few minutes to make it set then add whatever you peppers, onions and mushrooms are my fav.. then you gently with a large spatula.. turn the whole thing over...carefully and gently cook the other side..
They always come out great this way.. and if you have a non stick skillet..even better...


3 eggs
1/2 teaspoon garlic salt
2 tablespoons chicken broth
2 tablespoons grated mozzarella cheese
Cooking spray

1. Heat the pan with cooking spray.

2. Beat eggs, garlic salt and chicken broth together and pour in hot pan.

3. Sprinkle cheese on top.

4. Make sure both sides of omelet are cooked.

5. Serve. Add more cheese if desired.

Good luck and enjoy! =)

ok all u have to do is get out what ever you want inside ur omlett, butter, and 2-3 eggs. melt butter in pan then crack eggs into pan. once its slightly cooked put in what ever you want (add salt and pepper also) and flip one side of ur omlett over the other
once its almost done flip it over and take it off when its not runny anymore

i might have forgoten something though just fyi

The first thing you need is a good pan. Then a basic cook book to help you with the everyday food related questions. But until then, break 2 - 3 eggs into a bowl. add a little milk or water and scramble well. Heat the pan, add butter or what ever you prefer to cook in. When hot, add the egg mixture, let it set for a bit and then start pulling the cooked portion into the center. Flip and you are done. Add stuff if you want to. I think that the internet recipe sites are wonderful. Good luck.

*U must first decide what u want ---- scrambled eggs or omlette !!!!!!!!!!
Though the ingredients may be the same, the look is different.

Hi, all answers make a good omelette or scrambled eggs, but, dont use any milk, it makes it hard , use sparkling water that makes it fluffy

add a little oil into a heated pan. Add whatever ingredient(s) you'd like in your omelette. (Example: tomatotoes, onions, cheese, ham, tuna flakes etc.) Break the eggs over the ingredients and season with a little salt and pepper. The inportant thing to remember is not to burn anything.

i read all the answers and they are pretty good. here's mine: crack two eggs into a bowl. watch out that the shell doesn't get into the mix. whip with a fork for a few seconds until the eggs are mixed well.
now put a nonstick skillet on the heat and add a tbls of butter. when the butter begins to foam... pour in the eggs. now with a spatula or similar tool stir the eggs constantly. keep em' moving. when they are almost cooked and dry (but still a little wet) turn the heat off and continue to stir. the eggs will continue to cook from the heat of the pan, and won't be rubbery. add salt and pepper if needed and serve. hope this helps, chef Paul

I love omelets but i hate to make them. So i chop up the veggies and meat i want in my omelet(usually bell peppers, onions, ham) cook for a minute in a nonstick pan. While that is cooking i beat 2 eggs in a bowl then pour in the pan with veggies and keep stirring. When eggs are cooked put on a plate and top with shredded cheese. Tastes like an omelet but looks like scrambled eggs.

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