My doctor recommended me to take fish oil capsules...?!


My doctor recommended me to take fish oil capsules...?

but I'm a vegetarian. Are there any vegetarian alternatives to fish oil?

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4 days ago
I told my doctor that I was a vegetarian... but he doesn't seem to understand it...

4 days ago
I told my doctor that I was a vegetarian... but he doesn't seem to understand it...

As I'm sure you'll get one billion times after I write this,
FLAXSEED OIL. You can find at any superstore, it will be in the supplement aisle. Or if you want straight flaxseed, in the organic food section.

They both contain a decent amount of omega-3 fatty acids and are extremely inexpensive.

Nothing beats the strength of fish oil though.


Not that iii know of.
But good luck finding it.


it is a pill not real food so youll be fine

Flax oil and algae based.

Hope these links help!

Why did the Doctor recommend fish oil?
Flax seed is a good alternative for Vegans looking for Omegas...but why would you be in need of it? Why didn't you ask the doctor for an alternative to begin with??

Buy ground flax seeds. I add some to my cereal every morning.

It depends why your doctor suggested it. If it Vitamin E try wheat germ oil (if you can handle gluten) otherwise increase your dark leafy veggie diet.

If it for fatty acid then start working a bit on your diet to better balance it. Nuts like almonds are great source and healthy.

If it is for some other reason post it and I will try to find an alternative or go to they have listings of which food are the highest in what nutrient and you can limit it to only include non animal food. Good luck

Your doctor is an idiot if you told him you were a vegetarian and he rocmmended fish oil pills to you. What he SHOULD have said was that omega 3 fatty acids are good for you and then given you a whole list of plaes you can find omega 3's. Like flaxseed, walnuts, soybeans, and tofu! Flaxseed has way ore omega 3's than fish. Check out this info:
Do some research on your own, too, and be sure to look for sources that mention the omega 6 to omega 3 ratio to know they're reliable. (you don't want too much omega 6 in your omega 3 source - like in avocados, which are GREAT for you, but not the best source of omega 3 - it's all very confusing, I know!).

probably i dunno. fish oil is really good for you, so i dont see the problem with taking fish oil capsuls

flaxseed and olive oil
I use both olive oil has omega
acid and it makes my skin great to.


Yes-Flax seed oil!!
Has virtually the same health benefits as Fish Oil.
Flax seed oil is derived from a plant.
I take it everyday!
Here's a link where you can buy some:

Yes, flax seed will supply the omega 3 oils he is wanting you to have. You can sprinkle flax seeds on cereals, add it to baked goods, or grind it and mix it with warm water for an egg substitute. Its much healthier, and you dont get all of the other ingredients in the capsules.

Do doctors just not comprehend the meaning of vegetarian? I've always gone to Adventist doctors...maybe you should try to find one they seem to be more intelligent than the doctors I keep hearing about.

Ok...Lets just examine this thing for a minute..

Your DOCTOR said to take fish oil capsules.
But you are on Yahoo Answers soliciting the assistance of medical advice.....

Why did you go to the DOCTOR in the first place?
Why didn't you just post your own lobotomy pics here and get the real lowdown from the "experts"?

flax, flax, flax, okay, ya might be tired of this answer, but I'll add some new useful tips for it:

Flax seed is NOT expensive, the oil may be, but the seed is a better source. Just buy it from the natural food sections/bulk bins instead of the supplement aisle where they jack up the prices.

For omega-3 & phytoestrogens,Take two tablespoons of FRESHLY GROUND flax SEEDS per day (a regular coffee grinder is works great). So how exactly does one "take" flax meal? Sprinkle it on cereal, blend it into a smoothie, etc.

Keep in refrigerator/freezer.

Avoid the flax oil as it goes rancid quickly & who knows how long it's been sitting on the store shelf.

Walnuts are a good source of omega-3 as well.

Avoid fish oil:
Cod liver oil contains toxic levels of vitamin A, plus fish in general contain contaminants, such as mercury.

Get a spice grinder and grind the flax seeds as you need them. This makes sure that the oil is fresh and not oxidized. Eating flax seeds by themselves does not release the oil, you can't digest the whole seeds. They just pass on through.

flaxseed oil is a great alternative. i don't understand why your doctor wouldn't understand, though....

oh sorry--i should've read the other replies first, EVERYONE said "flax seed oil". oh well. at least i got the points :)

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