Family does not approve?!


Family does not approve?

No one in my family is a vegetarian and I am the only person who does not like meat. I will sometimes eat fish, but other than that, there is no other meat in my diet. My family has a problem with this. They do not approve of my eating and are constantly telling me I need meat. To them, meat is the only protein.

I have a very healthy diet. I eat plenty of whole grains, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. I do not eat fast food or drink soda. My family has a problem with this as well. They think I should be like everyone else and eat fast food. Why would I want to eat something that does not make me feel well?

How do I convince my family that meat is not the only protein?

Christine - good for you!

Some people become very defensive when you try to be a better person - to them it does seem like you are commenting about their bad habits. And believe me, they will blame everything that happens to you on your diet: You feel tired - "It's your diet." Your back is sore - "It's your diet." You catch a cold - "It's your diet."

No one NEEDS to eat meat - that is old school thinking. You can get plenty of protein from a vegetarian or vegan diet. I recently posted the RDA of protein (for anyone over the age of 4) is approximately 50 grams per day. A cup of rice or beans has approximately 10 grams of protein! The fact is most people who eat meat are ingesting TOO MUCH protein - and this is not healthy. Want to prove it to your family - read labels with them - you'll also be surprised how much protein and "other" things are in your food.

It has been proven time and again that fast food and soft drinks are very unhealthy. I'm surprised that your family does not recognize this - or they are just giving you a hard time.

Christine just remember - you are your own person and you DO NOT need ANYONE'S approval to be a healthy individual. In the long run you will prove them wrong.

Choosing to be a vegetarian or vegan is sometimes difficult but I have found that most things in life, that have value, usually are.

Vegetarian for 20 years - and still healthy.

just dont listen to them. sounds like they arent very helthy

Perhaps the fact that you are six foot seven and weigh eighty eight pounds has them worried about you....Or maybe the bleached sheet skin color....

Could that have anything to do with it?

Go online (or to the library and use their resources) and find articles that are relevant to your issue. Use info from only credible sources such as Johns Hopkins, JAMA, Stanford Medical Center.
Print/copy the information you find that backs your stance on the issue.
Share it with your family.
(I am sure that they think they're doing the right thing; getting your daily requirement of protein IS very important.)
Show them how you do it.
You'll all learn something.
Good luck!

Well from your family's point of view, I understand where they are coming from. My niece was FIVE when she decided to become a vegetarian, and she's stuck with it for four years now! At first we were worried about her health and development, and we were worried that she would become an outcast at school since kids can be harsh about even the littlest things.

It took us awhile to get used to the idea, and we spent months and months trying to convince her to eat meat again. She stood her ground, though, and eventually we came around and realized that it was something she was very serious about. She too eats healthy and gets adequate protein, and we no longer criticize her decision.

I guess what I'm saying is give your family time and hopefully they will come around. Also keep in mind that you deciding to not eat meat or fast food may feel like an insult to them, like you are criticizing the way they eat. Be patient with them and let them get used to the idea!

show them the facts. show them all the nutrients in the foods you are eating and show them all the fat and cholesterol in the foods they are eating.
they should be proud of you and they should be trying to support you and your decision.

maybe your family feel guilty as they see you being so healthy,and trying to "turn" you around. as long as you stick to your guns they will have to respect you eventually. maybe they need to learn and understand more about vegetarianism.
my little sister became veggie when she is 14,no one took her seriously,but she is now 19,and would never go back to meat.its a case of time will tell.if your family never accept it,then you just have to not let them get to you.maybe just make a joke of it,when they try to conform you.

Thankyou! Its perfectly alright. I am your fan! Morrisy is proud if he knew. I am too. Anyways, fish is one of the smallest sins in vegan hood, because they are caught strait from the sea. Unlike chickens. You are healthy, so don't care about them.

Show them what happens to animals with Peta videos. Or tell them that fruits are much healthier. Because it is. And salad is, too. Eating mango is much healthier than a dead, burnt cow. I make up thing that make my friends laugh, and they turn into a vegan.

I know what you are going through. Everyone in my family is basically a carnivore! I think you should gather facts and information about how healthy a diet devoid of beef, pork, and chicken can be. Also I think it would be very helpful to create a large meal for them with out meat. Make sure that it's packed with flavors they love, and contains all their favorite ingredients, just without the meat. If you can get away with it, don't even tell them there is no meat in the meal until the very end. Maybe that will persuade them to believe that your diet is ok.

you should point out nutrition info on the veges "take them to school" and the fast food thing? for real?

Why waste your time trying to convince closed minded people about something they dont even want to understand? Its a waste of energy. Just stick to your diet, ignore their remarks, and continue eating healthy. I gave up a long time ago, and now my family just accepts it as who I am. Perhaps yours will come around in time. When they tell you that you need to eat meat and junk, just playfully tell them that a salad woudn't hurt them too much, and move on. Its not worth the time trying to convince someone who is not receptive to new ideas. No doubt the closed minded meat eaters will answer your question with remarks about us being "meant" to eat meat-I would love to see a human tear raw flesh from an animal with those two teeny tiny "canine" teeth they are always on about. Stick to your guns, let the others just follow the herd (literally)

Why should they not approve of you eating so healthy? If you're eating fish, eggs and dairy there is no way you will not have enough protein! Do they know anything about nutrition? It sounds to me as if they have control issues...parents are all for forcing veggies down the throats of unwilling children but if a child decides on his/her own to be a vegetarian, then watch out! Maybe you could find some research to show them about the healthfulness of your diet? I've been a vegetarian since birth and a vegan since my first semester here at Berkeley and I'm perfectly healthy. I could probably take a cue from you though, and give up soda. I keep the Jones company in business....mmm kiwi soda.

Forcing your children to eat something they do not want to eat can cause serious issues, no matter the age. It can cause anorexia or other eating disorders, such as the man from england who will eat only cheddar cheese.

I've been a vegetarian since birth. That's 25 years without a single health problem. I am very healthy and get all the nutrients I need. With so many vegetarians nowadays I don't see how anyone can think it is unhealthy and that you can't get enough protein. Humans aren't meant to eat meat; our teeth and weak stomach acids are two examples. When was the last time you saw a chimpanzee eat a steak dinner? Protein comes in many forms and finding ways to get it into your diet is not a concern.

Good for you for not drinking soda or eating fast food! That is very hard to do in today's society.

Some people stubbornly won't listen. I don't know your age, so I can't advise to tough it out until you leave home, as you may already be out on your own. If they insist on nagging, just always come back with something non-confrontational or funny, or nonsensical like, "I have to be the family freak, and therefore, I can't eat meat." or "Hamburgers taste just like chicken.") You will find friends who think like you, your family is your family and they aren't required to be nice, wise or useful. Good luck and keep eating healthy!

Why not do some research and show them that you are getting all the proteins and other nutrients you need? If you show them the facts and compare your diet it to a diet with meat in it, I think that they will understand. They might also realize that you know what you're doing and stop buggin you about food, and might join in. Who knows?

Either way, don't let it get to you. It's your body after all, and you shouldn't let someone else control what you're ingesting.

I'm not a vegetarian, however I can go days without eating any meat, I don't need meat in my diet to stay healthy. But when I do eat meat, I enjoy it. I'm being brutally honest. Provide them education, tell them that eggs, nuts, fruits and vegetables can give you just as much, if not more protein than meat can alone. Show them statistics and even have them try new foods that you seem to enjoy so that they can learn what your lifestyle is like.

I'm sure they will understand in time, and it's not like they can force feed you, so keep at it!

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