Why do people drink coffee?!


Why do people drink coffee?

A lot of people drink coffee for the caffiene
I drink coffee because I love the taste of it.
I prefer a dark roast with lots of half and half in it.
Coffee is an acquired taste for a lot of people. I think it is also a regional thing.
we come from the northwest. When we moved to texas, there were not a lot of coffee shops, now starbucks is everywhere, I think that is because a lot of people came from our area.
coffee shops are popping up all over the place now, iced coffee seems to do well here, although up home most people preferred hot.

Because its good

taste and energy.

because it gives them energy

Because its a stimulant, there are lots of flavors, it looks cool.

because it tastes good

i don't drink it though

mm im drinking some right now
its funny I drink it to relax as well
as wake up I drink it out(starbucks)
to socialize since I dont drink alcahol
and never have.Id say preferance.
some like hot tea and its not my cup
of tea.

It's addictive just like cigs. Caffeine is a mild drug. It stimulates you.

Because they enjoy it. :)

cause they like the taste and the caffine

I drink it because I love the taste and I have just developed the habit of having a big cup every morning. It is just part of my routine. I drink it with half and half and splenda. I do not like flavored coffees or flavored creams. LOVE my coffee.

well l drink tea alot. coffee has more caffeine then tea does. l think alot of people prefer coffee over tea and why l havn`t no idea. l think tea is better.

Because it has caffeine and it keeps you active. oh awake too

cos they like it

to feel human

Well, I think because...

1) It started to be drunk as an stimulant by humans after it was discovered that it caused the same effects on animals.

2) It is still drunk as an stimulant, though it is a temporary stimulant only.

3) Some people like it because of the taste and not as an stimulant, hence the advent of decaffeinated coffee.

4) Still some other people find a middle ground between taste and stimulant, hence the haf caff variants.

5) It is cheap but nobody sees is a a cheap beverage, hence it is a great way to socialize.

6) It can be drunk as an iced variant and a refreshing beverage in some places like Florida (the reason why I drink it).

7) There are many different combinations with coffee like vanilla coffee, etc., so it is a multi-faceted beverage.


To function and make it through the morning!

to wake up

i get a kick out of it.
i can't start my day without it, but I'm hopelessly claiming it's not an addiction.

and sometimes i drink it just because i love its smell.

Unfortunately, most people in the US drink coffee for the caffeine buzz. That's because coffee from grocery stores (especially pre-ground coffee) is dead and stale and doesn't taste great. As good fresh-roasted coffee becomes more available locally, and as more people learn about grinding immediately before brewing, the tide will turn. People will realize how amazing good fresh coffee really is and begin to drink it more for the flavor.

They like the taste of it.

People drink coffee because the coffee keep them up and they like or love the coffee and most coffee make them stay awake when doing something like driving.

Well, if it's Starbucks coffee it's because they must have money to burn...........

Because it tastes good, smells good, and wakes me up in the morning. And perhaps the best reason of all is that it goes great with reading the morning newspaper.

well cos they coffee has caffiene,it makes u feel energetic and charged up.soft drinks and energy drinks also have the same effect. : P

A lot of people, like myself, start their mornings with it because it gives a quick caffeine boost and it tastes good, and it's part of many cultures, so it's socially acceptable.
I like mine with lots of cream and sweet-n-low.
Nothing beats it on a chilly day--I like to snuggle up in front of the fire with a big hot cup of it and talk with my hubby.

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