Can you die for drinking to much coke? and how can a i beat my coke addiction?!


Can you die for drinking to much coke? and how can a i beat my coke addiction?

You can get sick from drinking too much coke as in diabeties but you cant just wake up after 30 years open a coke, drink it and die. Yes, coke is addicting but you can give it up! I rarely drink coke, and I used to love coke. I used to be the type where I'd drink like 3 cokes at a party but not anymore.. and you dont have to either! Try drinking lemonades, teas, gatorades, and juices and limit your soda. Instead of soda try drinking one diet soda a week. Water is the best thing to drink and start getting in the habit of water because once you drink water, it lowers a high blood pressure and you wont have to drink alot of coke. If you still want to drink coke, try drinking half a coke one week out of the month, instead of daily. This helps your addiction, and leads you to a healthier lifestyle. Good Luck! :)

From Experience:)

kidney failure

yes coke is bad
im not sure about dying, but dont count on diet coke. lol
theyre all bad

You won't die but you could become diabetic. I had a poor diet and drank 4 or 5 cans of coke a day. I developed type 2 diabetes. I now have 1 coke a week. I thought it would kill me but I did ok breaking the habit.

Soda is really bad for your health. It's full of calories and it's terrible for your teeth. I'm sure all of that acid is terrible for you too. You're just going to have to slowly ween yourself off of soda by cutting down a little at a time. You're probably going to be very unpleasant to be around, but once you stop it will be very hard to start drinking soda again.

I used to drink a lot of sodas, usually al least one or more a day. When I finally got my wisdom teeth removed I found out they had moved my teeth so much I needed braces to prevent exposed roots on several teeth and improve my bite. I have had them on for almost two years and I have not had a single soda since. They really disgust me now when I take a sip to test the soda lines at my work (restaurant), I don't want them at all now. I drink tea, coffee, juice and water now only and feel so much better since. I notice I don't feel as dehydrated when I exercise or bike also like I used to when I drank soda. My dental cleanings are a breeze now, exceptionally well according to my doctor when I used to get at least one cavity per year before. The carbonation in them is horrible for your bones as well as the other harms people have listed, it puts you at a high risk for bone fractures and osteoporosis later in life. And if you drink diet soda it is even worse for you than regular soda with all the artificial sweeteners. Do yourself a favor and take all of it out of your house, if you still crave it cut back to only one soda on a special occasion.

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