Do you ever get a craving for some kind of food that you don't like?!
Do you ever get a craving for some kind of food that you don't like?
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4 days ago
I'm a guy. lol. I don't think I'm pregnant. It was really weird though.
4 days ago
I'm a guy. lol. I don't think I'm pregnant. It was really weird though.
Yes... I'd never cared for mustard greens before, but wen thru a cafeteria line one time and saw them and had to have them. I've been eating them (and other greens like that) ever since!
yeah sometimes. Especially while I was pregnant.
Oddly, yes.
Not yet.
I did once I was really hungry and there was a Red Lobster commerciasl on tv but i dont eat seafood or fish
First sign of pregnancy!
Watch out!
maybe you're ready to try it again, the food you don't like that is.
Yes sometimes I crave fish and I HATE fish. I love the tartar sauce so I end up eating a little bit of fish and chips or something or even Salmon or Halibut. So yes, once in awhile I do.
I don't like papaya nor sweet potato and I NEVER crave it.