Which do you think has greater consequences smoking weed or drinking alcohol?!


Which do you think has greater consequences smoking weed or drinking alcohol?

im talking about long term abuse
i dont smoke weed anymore, but only cause its illegal
id rather smoke than drink. i have gotten myself into a lot more trouble on alcohol

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4 days ago
please inlude facts if you can
and you cant say both
the question was "which has GREATER

4 days ago
im not asking for a freakin lecture either

4 days ago
please inlude facts if you can
and you cant say both
the question was "which has GREATER

4 days ago
im not asking for a freakin lecture either

Smoking weed due to the criminal liability has the greater consequences. However, drinking has the greater likelihood of having consequences since it's so easy to obtain and so many people over-indulge.




Weed doesn't have too many proven longterm effects.

Alcohol has a whole array: brain damage, liver damage, sexual impotence (shrinking testicles), memory loss, stomach problems, immune system failure, ulcers, high blood pressure, anemia.

Weed - I heard one joint does the damage of 10 cigarettes to your lungs.

Um....Bob Marley

Depends, would you rather have lung disease or kidney disease? Weed would be worse because it's known to deteriorate brain cells as well. For those a little short in that department... I guess there isn't much to lose. The best alternative of all would be to quit both and take up some kind of sport or other activity to releave the issues you're trying to cover up with intoxication.

I don't think there is one that's worse than the other quite frankly. Long term alcohol use damages the liver significantly, and a damaged liver can't detox your body, keep your metabolism at a healthy level, and aid your immune system in keeping you healthy. Not to mention the effects of alcohol on the brain (as in killing off cells).

When it comes to marijuana, the effects are just as bad. For one, the chemicals are stored in fat particularly in the fatty tissue that surrounds the nerve cells in the brain. It can take 9-12 months to completely get marijuana out of the myelin. Add to that that marijuana has an effeminizing effect on men (and can potentially make you infertile) because of some estrogen-like chemicals in it, and it's just not a good deal. The smoke also damages the lung tissues. It's just a bad deal all around for something that feels temporarily good.

Smokeing weed is better than alchol, no hang over no drunk driveing charges and the smell is awful on ones breath

Both have downsides but I've never heard of weed being used as a preventative, only as a remedy to alleviate an existing medical problem. Alcohol in small or moderate amounts does have preventative benefits.

drinking has greater consequences

but weed will get you arrested and stuff just for possessing it, so if you take that into account it actually has more.

There is no question that alcohol has far more consequences long term than weed. Weed does have its consequences, paranoia, chronic depression, bronchitis, anxiety, memory loss, but they are not life threatening per say. Alcohol on the other hand is far more detrimental. Let's start with the effects on physical health. Chronic liver failure, pancreatitis, kidney failure and eventually death are problems that arise of long term alcohol abuse. Alcoholism/addiction is also a genetic problem. Your children have a 50% chance of inheriting the addiction gene from the parent(s). Alcoholism bleeds heavily in to family, friend and partner relationships. It is a life-threatening disease in which you have a better chance of surviving most cancers then you do of surviving from alcoholism/addiction. Remember that addiction/alcoholism is defined by consequences. If you can stop drinking or smoking, then stop. If you can't then you need to seek treatment as soon as possible. Alcohol, even though it is a legal drug, has been scientifically shown to be the 5th most dangerous/harmful drug in the world behind heroin, cocaine, barbiturates, and street methadone. Weed is 11th. Hope this helps answer your question. It is a very good one that needs to be talked more about in society.

Alcohol! ~
Pot only if you get caught by the DEA.

dang, I got into trouble doing both. I'm gonna say over the long run, alcohol is worse than marijuana. It's legal, social and still acceptable. Long term abuse? I've definitely abused more alcohol over the long term! Like you, I've been in more trouble after drinking.

Substance abuse and addiction accompany many situations that challenge people's abilities to cope and frequently preempt their capabilities to address other concerns. Sometimes, mood-altering substance use springs from dissatisfaction's with life.
If used long enough both will kill you. However, alcohol has a much more damaging effect on your body. As for trouble, they are about the same. If you are looking at marijuana as an alternative to alcohol, you should look at getting an assessment for cross addiction. You may already be in trouble.
Not all people who use substances are addicted. It is estimated that 14% of Americans will do battle with addiction at some point in their life.
Click, Click, Click, BOOM!

I can only interpret your question so:
What is more dangerous the Devil or Luzifer ?

Greetings from Hamburg, Germany

Ok, you have asked for facts. I have no experience with weed ( joint, (THC)) except that I have drunken two glasses of whiskey morrocaine
( peppermint tea with Hashisch) 30 years ago but I have read that THC hasd an an effect on the thrombocyten ( I don`t know if I do spell it correct). There should also be an effect to the brains.
Alcohol have you never seen that people loosing all their minds.

If you as a Westerner be wise keep off the grass and keep controll of your alcohol consume.

The real answer is that alcohol is understood by society and weed is not. Read the explanation of why weed is bad for more details. I'm guessing you already understand why alcohol is bad. (Without explaining too much, I assure you that I tell the truth when I say I have put a LOT of time and research into understanding the harmful effects of weed)

Smoking weed and the effects it has on a person's life are remarkably misunderstood by people in today's era. I will teach you why weed is more dangerous than you currently think.

People look at cigarettes and see that they can hurt in a very clear immediate way (physically can lead to cancer). Weed doesn't affect you this way. It is safer and less harmful to your lungs and body than cigarettes.

People look at alcohol and see that you lose brain cells, get into driving accidents, damage your liver, say things you regret, and a list of other similar things. Weed doesn't affect you the same way at all.

People look at weed and see that it stimulates different parts of your brain and allows you to be creative in ways that you hadn't been in the past.

People see that so many other people smoke weed all the time; people in Hollywood make movies about it. Musicians make songs about it. They all talk about how much they love it.

And yet...the government considers it to be dangerous enough to be illegal. They post commercials trying to portray people as being stupid or lazy or wasting their life to hopefully stop people from smoking. The problem is, that people have to relate very closely to those commercials for them to be effective, and they aren't hitting home for many people because they are poorly done.

Here's why weed is so dangerous. It affects you in a way that is impossible to measure, and yet more harmful than alcohol or cigarettes. When you smoke weed, for a period of 24-48 hours, your brain has trouble retaining information. When you smoke weed multiple times over a week or longer, your brain has trouble retaining information for days at a time - until it is out of your system. "Retaining information" is another way of saying "learning."

So here's the problem. If you take a few hits one day, you will have essentially gone the next 24 hours without learning anything complicated that was presented to you. Some straightforward things can still be learned, but the fact is that most of life's lessons are anything but simple. There are often many factors that you have to take into account when you make a given decision. It's learning things like that that your brain just can't handle when you're baked. If you smoke weed one day in your life, that's not that big of a deal. You will probably learn what you missed out on in one way or another...but think about it. YOU LEARN SO MANY INTRICATE, NEW THINGS EVERY DAY, AND THEY ALL BUILD ON EACH OTHER. I'm not talking about things that your teachers teach you in school, or things that your boss teaches you at work. I'm talking about the fact that there's a difference in maturity between a parent and a child that comes from learning things like how to handle relationship issues, and how to avoid upsetting someone by not learning how to be aware of issues a friend of yours is sensitive to, and other things along those lines. I'm talking about all the things that you instinctively aren't good at, that you have to work on getting better at. It's those things that your brain can't improve when it's affected by weed. For example, a lot of people out in the world who smoke weed regularly hit 30 years old before they learn how to not make poor financial decisions. Sure, some people who smoke weed make good decisions, but almost without exception, those are the people who already naturally paid attention to money. It's the people who don't have that natural tendency who would have otherwise learned by thinking about it on their own or talking it through with other people who don't end up learning till later if ever. Someone who has a natural tendency to be good with money, may have more trouble learning how to relate to the emotions of the opposite sex or something else that isn't as naturally simple to them. When you're baked, you almost never reflect on things that happened to you in the same way you do when you aren't.

So back to the statement I made earlier "It affects you in a way that is impossible to measure, and yet more harmful than alcohol or cigarettes." It's impossible to measure the effects of weed because you can't take a person who has smoked weed a bunch in their life, and compare how smart they are to themselves had they never smoked. The fact is that they are likely less socially graceful in the way they interract with their peers and co-workers, less motivated to improve themselves as individuals, and they have missed out on a ton of learning that would have improved the quality of their lives, their children's lives, and the lives of everyone around them.

Think about how many things there are in the world that you understand. You learn hundreds, if not thousands of things every day. If you get rid of a day, you miss out on a lot. If you get rid of a month, or year, or more, then you miss out on a tremendous amount, and it affects you for the rest of your life.

In my opinion, one of the world's greatest flaws has been the failure to teach this to our youth.

So to answer your initial question, weed and alcohol both can be life changing and devastating. It's like asking which is worse...breaking a leg or breaking an arm. They both suck ***.

well.... tough one.

looking at it as a 'long term' thing.... i'd say alcohol abuse.

only cuz that can acutally kill you or someone else. whether it's by driving while intoxicated or liver disease.
smoking MAY lead into other drugs than can screw ur brain up, but, i've never heard of someone dying or having long-term damage from smokin pot.

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