Question about Milk...Important?!


Question about Milk...Important?

Our power went out last night, and we had1 gallon of milk, and 1/4 of a gallon of milk in our fridge. WE turned on the power i think this morning, they milk smells completley horrible, but when i tasted it, it tasted perfectly fine, is the milk good or bad????? Please answer, I have guests coming, and I need to know if that 1 gallon is good or not.(other expired)...PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

I would go buy another gallon of milk and just avoid giving my house guests food poisoning.

i'd toss it, why risk heaving??

probably ok if tastes ok, the carton smells after a while anyway

Trust your nose. It Nose more than your than your mouth...
Haha funny pun!

I'd throw it away... you don't want to be responsible for people getting sick because of a cheap gallon of milk, do you?

If you can't get a past your nose why would you want to drink it??????

If it smells bad it's probably turning bad. Get a new one.

When in doubt throw it out! Its a few dollars so just go buy a new one.

I agree with Jesus O.o
Throw it away

TECHNICALLY, its not ok to drink. after 30 minutes of milk being out of the frige temperature, its bad and should be thrown out ....BUT my professor in college said, "smelling it is important but really you should taste the milk, if it tastes bad youll know, if you should use it or not"

i would get a new one if it smelt bad,you wouldn't want to risk getting sick.

It won't hurt you, but the smell may be offensive to your guests. After all how do you think yogurt, cheeses, butter, etc. are made? They are all a product of milk that has gone to what we call bad. In other words, it has started to turn sour and as now you know that sour milk is the first step towards making the above delicious milk by products.

if it smells bad i would be ashamed to serve it to guests. either go get more or serve another beverage.

well your guests might notice.and they may not like it!.also may get sick!
why risk it?

Lol, I think you answered your own question. If it's perishable and smells "completely horrible" you shouldn't drink it. Well, unless it's supposed to smell that way but milk is supposed to smell neutral.

I would say, through it out especially if your entertaining

i wouldn't risk it. get new milk.

no no no no no............. That milk will make you sick.
don't give it to anybody

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