Is a vegetarien diet healthier then if you eat meat?!


Is a vegetarien diet healthier then if you eat meat?

My mom is vegaterian she is 79 and is a size 8 or 10 she was not always that size she was a 20W at one time. She went veggie and it took several years but she lost the weight after going veggie.
I am 39, I remember her going veggie when I was probably about 6 or 7.
She did not believe in taking supplements.
She has to take B12 and is deficient in several other areas.
She also has Alzheimers, which i do not attribute to her being a veggie eater. Her mother who was NOT a vegaterian also had alzheimers.
I think it makes no difference in how long one lives, but I do think you need supplements if you go vegaterian.

Yes, because the animals we eat usually eat plants or the animals eat plant eating animals..... veggie diet has all the nutrients we need as we figure out which plants have which nutrients....

Not necessarily. You still have to make sure you are getting proper nutrition. A lot of vegetarians aren't getting enough protien which comes form meat and seafood (and soy). In which case it all depends on what type of vegetarian you are as well. I'd do a lot of research before becoming one so that you are making sure that you get proper nutrition.

No. If one eats a proper,well balanced diet the inclusion or exclusion of meat has no health impact.

Not necessarily. Not eating meat does not stop you from loading up on unhealthy, non-meat foods. Becoming a vegetarian shouldn't just mean that you have stopped eating meat, but that you are focusing on putting more veggies, fruits and grains into your daily diet. Unfortunately a lot of vegetarians that I know end up loading up on carbs and junk foods...not so good for ya!

It really kills me that someone is giving thumbs-downs to everyone that is saying "not necessarily"! Use your head...if you eat a lot of deep fried mushrooms, and load up on buttery mashed potatoes, do you think that's healthier than eating meat? You have to use your brain if you truly want to eat healthy. Again, just cutting meat out of your diet is not a guaranteed health-benefit.

depends on the vegetarian's diet. I have known vegetarians who were still overweight. Just because olive oil is better and veggies are better, it still has bad consequences if you batter and fry all of them.

Vegetarians have to be cautious about anemia. The idea that it takes meat a couple of days to decay in the intestine, is pretty gross, but meat is a major source of b vitamins.

As long as you eat plenty of beans, legumes, dark green leafy vegetables and consume yogurt to help digest it, it's all good.

I'm not a real/strict vegetarian, I just don't care to eat meat.

Absolutely, but... you would have to overlook it a little more closely than a diet of eating meat. i.e. protein levels, iron levels, etc.

It all depends. If you are a vegetarian you would have to take protein pills, but I do not think that is as healthy as eating meat. You will have to eat more eggs or fish to take in any nutrients that you are losing from not eating meat. I can also tell you that I know a lot of people who had to quit being a vegetarian because they were missing the vital nutrients to carry out life processes. That and your life will completely change. How many places have you been that catered to vegetarians? You can't live on salads. Plus if you have family members who are meat-lovers, they are not going to appreciate eating your food or cooking another meal just for you.

I doubt it, have you ever seen a vegtetarian?
they're always sick, I don't dislike them I just don't think its as healthy. I had a friend, he was a "vegetarian", but i never saw him eat a vegetable, he just ate junk and was like 5 feet tall at 16 yrs.

Absolutely. Do your research online and you will see. The whole protein thing is waaaay overrated. Look into and Indian vegetarian diet. It usually contains an Indian bread/tortilla, a vegetable or two and a bean or lentil along with dairy - often yogurt and quite often rice. Eat lots of veggies and lentils and you will generally be a healthy person. Note: eat the veggies Indian style... they taste waaaaaaaay better.

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