How long until my body is completely animal free?!


How long until my body is completely animal free?

I've been vegetarian for a month now and eat very healthy and work out 4 times a week. In the month before I decided to go vegetarian I only ate tuna about 3 times a week [it was the last thing i gave up] So I was wondering, has my body completely finished flushing out all the animal inside of me yet? Or does it take longer than a month?. I feel so much better now though, and lighter to carry myself, I feel so fresh and my skin feels and looks great times 10! Just wondering if my insides are as happy :) Lol.

Hope my question didn't confuse anyone >.<

lowl, it makes sense. You should be free of animal products by now. If you plan on going completly vegetarian, you may want to make sure you take a good multi vitamin every day. You may be feeling good now, but you can literally starve yourself by eating only vegetables, and fruits. (dunno if you eat cheese or dairy products) Meat has vital nutriants, like fat and protein that you will not find in most veggies/fruits. Good luck, and if you start feeling weak, or light headed, you may want to talk to a doctor.

yes, you're good..... but there are many things out there that have animal products, beware.

once you eat an animal you will poop it out.

Never. You are after all, an animal yourself!

Forget animal free, the question is how long before you are mercury free if you were eating tuna 3 times a week.

You probably can think better now.

Could take years. Literally.

Well, if you want ALL the animal bits gone, you'll have to go vegan, no dairy milk, yogurt or butter. Read ingredients because animal shortening is in a lot of meat free foods. It should only take a couple weeks for your body to dispose of the animal stuff.

"Animal free".


I'm guessing you run around naked and walk everywhere you go and sleep on the forest floor, right?


Fish is really lean, so I think (only my opinion) that by now the fish is gone from your system. If it were beef, I think it would be a different story! I don't even know you, but I'm so happy and proud of you for deciding to go veg! That is such a great decision for your own health as well as the welfare of the animals! Good for you in doing your part with your own personal sustainability project! Yaay! :o)

You have got to be kidding? The animal inside? Look. Being vegitarian is not as easy as just eliminating the animal from your diet. You still need essential amino acids. It's a tricky balance to make sure you are getting everything you need form plants, many veggers have serious vitamin deficiencies. As far as "flushing out the animal inside" you? This is of course not possible. You are what you eat and your body doesn't just get rid of things, it reuses them until they are unusable. If you feel good and you are eating well, balancing everything appropriately, then don't worry about getting rid of the animal inside. On another note, most men like a girl with a little animal in them--lol.

You should look into "Colan cleansing" it will truly get the "animal" and "animals" out of your body-ie parasites and other nasty critters that call your body home.... As well as removing all the years of impacted fecal plaque that has built up over your life...You think you fell light and good now? It doesn't even compare to what you will fell like after a full cleansing... It's sound gross but do some research on it.. You will trip!

Yes, all the meats should be completely flushed out of your system. Congratulations on switching to a vegetarian lifestyle. Just a tip, eat plenty of beans (soy is very good) and yukon or russet potatos for vitamin B12. Many other vegtables have it but these potatos have the highest amount.

I hope your health holds out on a truly vegan diet. I have known many who it just did not work out for. It is not the way we are designed. I always told my vegan friends to join PETA, People Eating Tasty Animals.
Good Luck

All traces of animal should be gone from your body. Feels good doesn't it?

its like quitting smoking.. the benefits take time, so does the detoxification effect.. but once free.. goodness.

If u eat meat again.. be prepared to have some digestion difficulties to start with, and then the rest is easy going. good luck!

Fish was the last thing I gave up too. My doctor didn't notice any difference in my body for a whole year! He said your cells are less oblong than they use to be did you become a Vegetarian? he asked! I replied You Hit the Nail on the Head! Then he said huh? I realized he didn't know that expression.. I said then to him You're right on! So I say it may be a year before your free of animal foods as much as is humanly possible! We can't entirely be free of it cause fools fertilized the ground with manure from animals. It's just impossible to be completely free of animal food but 98% is probably possible.. don't forget we are 80% water so we really don't need as much protein as meat eaters think we need. We need certain enzymes that are in meat that are in fruits too! Fruits are best for us! Tomato is the #1 on my list it is highly acidic, pineapple is #2, lemon #3, fruits are more important than veggies. I know some people that don't like vegetable but like fruits they eat that and grains and cereals and they are healthy!

You should be pretty good now =) Not saying you need too, but if you still eat milk/egg/cheese products you should try to give those up..and research all the foods that use animal products in them. Baked goods of all kinds that aren't fresh typically 90% of them have non-vegetarian friendly dough conditioners. If you want more info on this contact me on IM or email me =)

One of the things that made me stop eating meat or helped me too was I realized..if I eat meat, I'm just one big living trash dump of assimilated animal flesh. Being an omnivore is like taking a big ground pile of pork, beef, chicken, milk, cheese, eggs and making it into a human.

Now I feel so good knowing that the miracle that is a human body has been able to make me what I am out of all these nice crunchy or soft fruits, veggies, grains, beans and nuts I eat.

It's a very pure thing..and people wonder why vegans seem so religious/spiritual based on lifestyle and diet alone. Wellbeing and compassion are nearly's no wonder.

i would define this for myself as it is an intensely spiritual and personal question. im going to be a bit graphic. when your stools change colors, textures, and odor. when your body odor smells different, when your skin changes (for either bad or good). it takes me about one lunar cycle (28 days) to flush out toxins. but if you want to talk about mind body soul connection, they say that with memories, it takes 2 years to get over a loss. maybe it's the same with the body. but i have noticed biological transitions in one month.

Well... the flesh is gone, but if you're still eating eggs and dairy, you're not completely animal free.

But yes, there would be no more meat inside of you anymore.

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