Why Doesn't Anyone in Yahoo Answers Hierarchy See these Atrocities?!?!?!


Why Doesn't Anyone in Yahoo Answers Hierarchy See these Atrocities?!?!?

I see V and V's flat out Being tortured. I am not a V and V yet I can see they are simply making a personal choice that really has little to do with anyone but themselves.. Since I began viewing this forum I have seen Several unprovoked attacks On the V and Vs. Including Impersonation, Harassment, Threats, Lies.. I can't understand how such behavior is allowed, Logical people work out their differences. I may consume animals for strength.. But I will step in beside those who would only consume plants to fight against such ignorance. We are all people.. This kind of rhetoric is reminiscent of segregation. Instead of Black or White.. The illogical are screaming Green and Red...

Nobody needs to be abused for what they believe. When will we understand that I don't make your choices and you don't make mine. We can all disagree without beating each other for our views. Your views have substance without the need for me or anything else to prop them up.

Most of us learned in grade school that bullies will be bullies but if we stand up and don't allow ourselves to be put down then these people have no power. If we ignore them the bully has no one to play their game with.

We have duty to stand up when we see someone being bullied and to help them escape the bullying but that doesn't mean we have a right to force them to change. Change must come from within.

Think about what would have happened if we all just ignored these people and continued with our lives. The bullies would either bully themselves or the other bullies. There are more of us then them, so lets stop the fighting all together.

Are these people really worth your sanity or time? Do you think you can change them? Would you choose censorship with the dangers of that over a few annoying people? Who will choose who should be censored? I am not wise enough nor do I want that kind of power. I am happy with knowing that there is value in each of us and our views.

I will leave you with this thought... if we said to Hitler (or pick whatever bully you want) from the start, we don't agree with what you are doing, it is wrong. Then turned to those being oppressed and said until the time comes when this oppression is over, please come under my roof and care. You deserve better and because of that I will give you my food and my home. If we sent all those planes to carry people away from the war instead of bombs towards it. How many lives would have been saved? How many souls would have been lost in ovens and gas chambers? We neglect our duty when we give those suffering no way to escape.

My mentor once saw two men beating a women in an alley. He went between the woman and the two men and said to them. I am not going to fight you but you will have to kill me before I will allow to you touch this woman. The men were so confused that they left.

Who will join me in this?

You actually just hinted that Vetarians/Vegans are weak by saying "I consume animals for strength". To me that is a pretty good example of the ignorance you were just complaining about. Don't get me wrong, I really do appreciate you standing up for us. Just felt compelled to point that out.

While I have not winessed these acts here-I believe it goes on here as well as every place else. The minority must rise above the majority-who are collectively ignorant and possess a herd mentality to boot!-and be satisfied with themselves when most of the other people are pointing and calling names. It is almost understandable that someone came up with the phrase, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em", but not acceptable!

Seriously, no one is being tortured here - let's not be dramatic. When you post a question or opinion on Yahoo Answers, you pretty much know that you are setting yourself up for a slew of possible abuse. And as much as I support a persons right to dine however they wish, this question of yours works both ways...I have seen plenty of v and v's go off on meat eaters for their beliefs, and that isn't right either.

who cares what we all eat for food.. the choice is a personal one.. eat meat or eat veggies.. the truth is, we are gonna do wat we wanna no matter wat - I say let em eat cake.

Yeah, I'm pretty much over the trolls. Ignore them and they'll go away. They're not even worth the trouble.


Some of them are funny (everyone needs a little humor), but some are just plain mean.

For those who are insulting the asker go get a life. You are right some people dont just say what their opinion is but say it in an insulting way.

Thank you for giving a crap. I have been vegetarian for 12 years and have never felt so great about why I have chose this lifestyle. I'm happy and it sounds like you are too, why change that? :) Hope you continue to help on both sides of every kind of lifestyle on yahoo...we need more people like you!

Sigh. I'm already trying to deal with this through yahoo and authorities..will even try and find a lawyer for advice dealing with internet. Most people don't know the extent to what I've been dealing with for 2 weeks.

Karma comes in many forms though and one of those is self-retribution..people who continue to vindictively abuse life or others around them are consequently abusing themselves - reinforce certain behavior and you may never overcome it. In this way evil consumes. One of the best things I learned in life was that good consumes just the same. The only thing this world needs is to be awakened to how easy they can consume their own evils with good and in turn help others.

p.s. You may impersonate me, but you could never actualize what I am or who I want to be in the current state you've put yourself into Al. That's a fundamental difference bud..why not quit while you're ahead?

The comments and stuff used to bother me since I've been veg for over 10 yrs now. But now I just silently pity them because they know not what they do. While they're dying of clogged arteries, colon cancer and having their triple bypass, the echos of torment will ring in their ears as the doc assigns a regime of fresh fruits and vegtables. Lol.

Absolutely correct. I have been posting in the V&V section since 2005. I have absolutely been noticing this happening. FOr you old-timers out there, remember FoxHunterGuy in 2006? He terrorized the V&V section time and time again. Now that he's been reported as abusing Y!Answers, we have even more annoyances. It's like Hydra in ancient Greek mythology- if you cut off one of the snake's heads, two grow in its place.

It is an unfortunate reflection of the world where people do the most negative things. People talk about how there is war and strife amongst themselves, yes, because it is people that cause the problem.

Most people have difficult looking at themselves to see who they really are.

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