Is there any instance where a red wine is correct with fish?!


Is there any instance where a red wine is correct with fish?

Not shellfish but regualar fish.


The idea that red wine doesn't go with fish depends on the wine you're drinking. The tannins found in most reds will clash with the iodine content in the fish giving it a metallic taste. So there are ways around this.

First of all it depends on the red, I would say a Merlot, Pinot Noir or Beaujolais Nouveau to be ideal wines to serve with fish. These all have low tannins in them and depending on what you eat can compliment the dish. Just be aware that most Cabernet and Shiraz have some pretty heavy tannins so these ones would be best avoided for ocean fish. You might get away with these for freshwater fish, but that leads us to the next point.

You want to match light with light and heavy with heavy. It's for this reason you could have a Chardonnay with a steak, or a Zinfandel with some chicken. If the wine is big and bold, but the fish is delicate and mild, you don't want a heavy wine to overpower the fish. You'd want something lighter so one flavour doesn't completely dominate the meal.

For a mild fish, you don't want a big red. If the fish is then served with a spicy tomato sauce you might take the wine up a notch to balance this out.

Matching food with wine is one part skill, one part chance and one part knowledge but most of this comes from practice and it's something that everybody can learn.

Absolutely! Many wine experts say that old wine "rules" are history to some extent. Today, its about the "weight" & flavor of the wine...being sure to pair the wine's flavor notes with the food.

Now "they" say if it tastes good...drink it....

I like sushi and tuna steak (rare) with red wine...

You're the best judge, after a mouthful of whatever seafood, have a sip of whatever red wine. Mind you, this is SUBJECTIVE so it'd depend how well you know the people you're serving the seafood and wine.

But course... Try eating oven roasted cod served with a red wine sauce, pancetta, pearl onions and herb buttered noodles. Salmon is also a good fish. If you manipulate your accompaniments so that a red wine would accent the dish, then you can′t miss. Stay away from bold red wines filled with tanins, go for more fruitier wines such as valpolecella, barbera from California.

Yes sir. When you have a full-flavored fish like salmon, you can always go with Pinot Noir. None of white wines will stand up for this challenge.

Regular fish goes better with white or rose, due to its flavor, red wine will hidden the original flavor from the fish.
Cod fish, dried fish or strongly flavored fish dishes go better with a red wine. Not with a very strong one, don't use any rioja over this, its better a Merlot!

although the norm is white wine with fish, these days it is whatever u like.

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