Pink lemonade or rasberry lemonade?!
Pink lemonade or rasberry lemonade?
which do you prefer?
i love both but i think rasberry lemonade gives it an extra boost. also wouldnt that be healthier if it has extra fruit in it?
i usually get crystal light to go packets--
pink lemonade and berry blast.
tres bonne. (very good)
Pink! Although it is just regular lemonade colored with grape juice.
Raspberry lemonade!
pink rasberry....mmmmm
Only pink. I don't like raspberry lemonade, but drank a cup of it at Epcot recently just to get this souvineer cup with a Tinkerbell clip that lights up. I wanted it for my daughter who was over at MGM with her brother. I think I would have rather paid the $5.00 and gotten water in the cup instead.
Raspberry Lemonade, yummy!!!!!!!!
Raspberry lemonade <*-*>
a tall cold glass of raspberry lemonade is so good.
raspberry lemonade! :)