What time of the morning do you usually eat breakfast?!


What time of the morning do you usually eat breakfast?

coffee... coffee


Usually 8.AM

8 o' clock

usually about 9

about 830am

7:00 when i wake up and go to school
about 9ish on weekends

I don't eat breakfast

7:00 sharp on weekdays 11:30 on weekends

i dont eat breakfast that much so when i do any time.

0830 hrs

8:30 am 9 am

about 5 minutes ago, french fries and bisquits

6 AM

I don't. It's a waste of sleep.. lol

well i wake up about 8

take a shower (usually 15 min)

then i eat

you do the math!!!

9 am

10:00 in the morning as I have holidays.Iwatch tv and eat at the same time.If I have to go to collage I eat around 8:00am.

9:30 or 10

depends wen i wake up, im not a creature of habit, sometimes 7.00 some times 11.40!!! depends on wot iv been doing the night b4 really!!!

Late morning. Close to 11am.

Anything earlier than that is gonna make my stomach juices curl

On weekdays - 7 0r 8 A.M.

On the weekend - 9 A.M.

i eat breakfast at anytime i'm hungry lol

No breakast for me

during school time at 6:40a.m., but for now, since it's holiday time, at about 10a.m., when I'm really hungry; when not, even at 12.

Weekdays 6:45 ish and at weekends 10:30 ish

between 7-9am

7:30 during the week and 8:30 or so on the weekends.

6:30 before I leave to go to work.

These people who don't eat breakfast are doing their bodies a huge disfavor. Eating breakfast jumstarts your motabolism and get syour brain working. Skipping breakfast gives you a sluggy motabolism, which means you can even GAIN weight, plus your brain will not be working optimally, in fact you will have poor concentration and low mood, because your brain will be crying for glucose, which is what it burns when you think, but you are depriving it of that. (I used to skip breakfast at school and everyday I'd get these naseating headaches that felt like migrains).

Anyhoo, on school day I eat breakfast at around 8 am.

On weekends I usually eat at 9 or 10, although my mom takes so long that sometimes even 11 or 12!! But that's why I usually eat my own thing when I get up.

im weird early hours in the morning and normaly porridge made with water mixed with coffee , aome kind of cereal and yogurt

yum yum

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