Is eating healthy a thing of the past?!


Is eating healthy a thing of the past?

It seems to me that no one cares any more what they eat. Junk food, soda and fatty foods. Doesnt anyone realize that all this stuff affects our bodies, minds and and makes us generally unhealthy? All these foods are so readily available that we just seem to grab whats at hand with no thought to what it might do to us. Like weight gain, high cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure.

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3 days ago
I live in the USA and Ive seen people grab chips and a soda for lunch, or a Big Gulp and a donut. Peoples carts in grocery stores are 70 % junk ( pop, chips, cookies, candy, sugary cereals ) and dont get me wrong. I ,too, was one of those shoppers. I finally realized that if I ate healthier, I felt and looked better.

3 days ago
While it does seem true that since the healthy so called foods started being sold and people seemed to gain even more weight it was because they THOUGHT they could eat more because of reduced calories or zero calories listed on food packages. It is, of course, not healthy to eat more just because it says fat free and I dont feel most of those foods are healthy anyway, even tho they are described as healthier or better for you .

3 days ago
I live in the USA and Ive seen people grab chips and a soda for lunch, or a Big Gulp and a donut. Peoples carts in grocery stores are 70 % junk ( pop, chips, cookies, candy, sugary cereals ) and dont get me wrong. I ,too, was one of those shoppers. I finally realized that if I ate healthier, I felt and looked better.

3 days ago
While it does seem true that since the healthy so called foods started being sold and people seemed to gain even more weight it was because they THOUGHT they could eat more because of reduced calories or zero calories listed on food packages. It is, of course, not healthy to eat more just because it says fat free and I dont feel most of those foods are healthy anyway, even tho they are described as healthier or better for you .

People eat healthier now more so than in the past, that's why you no longer see lard so regularly available. They may not selecting the healthiest things that you would, but maybe it's a healthier choice than what they used to eat. There are an abundancy of "baked" chips and snack options rather than the ones that are fried in oil. Cuts of meat are leaner, baked goods are going through changes, like the addition of whole grains, to make them not so bad for you. Convenience is an enemy of the healthy diet and some choose what saves time over whats good for you. Changing your lifestyle takes baby steps, if you were to change it too quickly chances are it won't last.

no because everyone is trying to eat healthier because everyone wants to fit into that little bikini.

I know what you mean, and I must tell you that this is mostly an American thing. I live in Greece, and we still have quite a helthy diet here (At least I try to, if you don't count the sweets I eat!). However, we can't be sure about the ingredients we use even at home any more: veg has insecticides, meat has diseases, hormones and antibiotics because of what the animals are fed, fish may have come from polluted seas, other stuff are genetically modified, prepared foods have artificial things, preservatives, E..., so one doesn't know what to eat aany more.

I dont know what your talking about! You must live somewhere weird. I dont know anybody who doesnt care about what they eat! You cant even go to the grocery store without seing "organic", "no trans fats", "zero calories" ect. everywhere!

A lot of people have noticed that, ever since we began the obsession with "eating healthier", THAT'S when everyone started gaining weight!

You just can't change countless generations of people who ate goose grease on bread, cooked with lard, ate fatty cold cuts for breakfast, enjoyed nighttime deserts loaded with butter and heavy cream, drank wine and beer and smoked pipes, cigars, and unfiltered cigarettes, and remained skinny and fit because they worked hard and always kept active, and lived until their 80's and 90's without problems, except for the very few who were genetically pre-disposed to diseases and cancers.

Then along come the baby boomers who know better and are here to save all of humanity. And suddenly, we start seeing weight problems everywhere.

So a lot of people, me included, have given up on what's essentially "new-age nonsense" about nutrition and have gone back to following the COUNTLESS GENERATIONS of practical experience:

Eat a balanced meal, eat FRESH foods whenever possible, cook things YOURSELF and don't cut things out. Enjoy life, work hard once in a while, and keep active. Gardening, working around the house, bike rides, hiking, swimming, motorcycling, being ALIVE.

Eat bacon, use real butter, use salt, have an egg or two. Replace potato chips with your own potato slices fried in olive oil. Eat popcorn made with coconut oil (it's awesome). Have a glass of red wine with dinner.

It has been proven that cholesterol, diabetes, and high blood pressure are 90% hereditary. So, enjoy life while you can.

I've seen too many people die before they reached 60 after 15+ years of not eating the things they wanted to. What's the point? Eat, live, and be merry. WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE SOON ENOUGH.

And besides, in 50 million years, the earth is going to be devoured by the sun anyway! Every spec of dirt, every molecule of existence here on earth will be vaporized and swallowed up in fire.

And even the baby boomers won't be able to stop that.

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