What make you become a vegetarian..?!


What make you become a vegetarian..?

was it polictal or health reason or do you just love veggies and meat realy isnt your type of meal..I eat meat and I have tried the veggie way for health reason..but I cant live without meat..I like it too much..whats your story..

Veggies and fruits taste so much better to me :] I never really over enjoyed the taste of meat like some people do, and after realizing how much more healthy it is to eat beans, veggies, whole grains, soy, tofu, fruit, nuts, etc.. and how cruel and unhealthy it is to eat something that once had blood, a heart, nervous system, organs in it.. a living creature. Then I did some research and I'm now a vegetarian and feel so much better! This is the path I was meant to take from the start :)


stomach acidity

I read a lot of books.

I have been one most of my life, it's something you feel inside. Had to wait until I moved out to go totally veg. Having a heart for animals along with a special bond inside yourself "I just knew"

I was a hardcore meat eater unil about 3 months ago. I just happened to see somebody reading a book called "The Food Revolution". It looked interesting to me (I didn't even know it was a book about veganism) so I got it from the library. After I read numerous other books & articles about veganism and it's health benefits I basically had no choice but to go vegan. It was the best decision I've ever made in my enire life & I've never had any regrets. I have absolutely no problem not eating meat. It's actually been much easier than I had anticipated. The hardest part, in my opinion, is having to put up with ignorant people that don't understand my lifestyle - people that time and time again try to convince me that I'm making a bad choice without even looking into the facts about veganism.


I will never think about exploiting an animal in any way ever again.

I will never support zoos again.

I will donate all of my money at my life's end to farm sanctuary (google it) and other animal sanctuaries around the globe.

And, most importantly, I shall forever see animals as my equals.

If you think I'm crazy... go ahead. I'm not the one devouring flesh, organs, and fat.

Bob and Jenna help me keep my chin up, and keep me feeling optimistic about veganism. www.veganfreakradio.com

When I was in third grade, my school served Buona Beef on Mondays, something from McDonald's on Tuesdays (it varied week to week), Subway's on Wednesdays (this also varied), Domino's cheese pizza on Thursdays, and pasta with bread on Fridays, along with a carton of milk (chocolate or regular) and a bag of chips on all days but Thursdays. My mom let me buy lunch two times a week with my lunch ticket. I always got the Thursday pizza--what third-grade kid doesn't like pizza?--and normally got the Friday pasta and bread, but I switched off the Friday pasta with the Tuesday McDonald's.

One Tuesday, I looked at the lunch menu and I was very happy--they were serving McChicken sandwiches! Basically, these sandwiches were two buns with some chicken inside. I always put ketchup on mine.

So I told Mom I wanted that instead of the Friday pasta. She agreed and didn't pack my lunch on Tuesday. When lunchtime came around, I got my sandwich as I had many times before, as well as a bag of regular cheesy Cheetos. I got a chocolate milk and sat at my table.

I dove into the sandwich after adding plenty of ketchup. Ooohhh, how delicious! How heavenly! How luscious! I happily finished the sandwich and Cheetos, along with the milk. While I'd eaten the sandwich, I'd seen a little spot of purple in it. I didn't really think much of it though.

After school, I remembered the purple spot and asked one of my older sisters about it.

"Oh, it was probably blood," she replied--none of the family were vegetarians yet.

"Blood?" I thought, the McChicken churning in my stomach. I was certainly not very happy at that thought; I had eaten a chicken sandwich for lunch. I thought of the poor chicken whose head was chopped up. I thought of how it was killed for my appetite. I thought of how, even though workers tried, they weren't able to drain away every last bit of blood. And I had eaten the part with the purple spot for lunch.

It was not at that point that I became a vegetarian. I simply started avoiding meat like the plague but didn't consider myself vegetarian. Then, when Mom asked another Tuesday, "Do you want to get the McChicken?" I refused and she packed my lunch. I think that's when I switched to vegetarianism.

Two years later, in fifth grade, my parents took my sisters and me to a seminar about vegetarianism. By then, one of my older sisters was impressed by my willpower to stop eating meat at such a young age and was a vegetarian as well. My mother, inspired too, joined us. Wanting to join, my oldest sister became veggie as well.

The seminar exposed the realities of factory farming and how animals are treated cruelly for things such as milk and eggs. I wasn't that disturbed; I only vaguely listened while reading my book. My little sister didn't care at all--she wasn't even a vegetarian yet, nor was my father.

The older sister that became vegetarian right after I did was disturbed and gave up milk and eggs a couple weeks after that. She was my role model at the time, so I decided to give up only milk and milk products--I loved fried eggs and was unwilling to give them up. Then I made the final step and eliminated eggs from my diet, becoming a full-fledged vegan; no longer did I wear leather or wool either.

At the time I became vegan simply because my older sister did. But now, as I think about it, even if I were to start hating her, I would not stop being vegan; it has become a lifelong, healthy, compassionate habit in my life and I intend to keep it.

You say you wouldn't be able to live without meat--I remember a time when I thought so as well. I broke once on the vegetarianism that year in third grade and ate another McChicken, but I just felt guilty afterwards and never went back after that. Hang on to your willpower. Watch slaughterhouse videos to help you resist the temptation to eat meat. After awhile you will get sick at the very THOUGHT of eating meat--it did for me!

I didnt think I could ever do with out meat either, but after learning I was ill because of meat and other allergies, I had no choice to give it up. Then, I learned how unhealthy meat really is, especially commercial meats that are loaded with toxins, such as growth hormones, steroids, antibiotics, purines, blood, pus, urine, diseases the animal had, etc. Now, meat has zero appeal to me at all. I am much healthier than when I was eating it. Also, the cruelty that factory farmed animals go through is shocking-here is a link

I have recently made the decision to go vegan. That means, no meat, no milk, no eggs, no honey, ....the list goes on. At first, my reason was simple, I had discovered what the meat industry is all about. Dipping live chickens in a vat of boiling water is just the beginning. You can say to yourself that eating eggs, milk or honey seems harmless until you actually do a little research. For instance, throwing away live male chicken hatchings which will eventually be ground up and used for fertilize simply because they will not grow up and lay eggs. If you would like to know more about the cruel things to go on behind the meat industry visit: http://www.veganoutreach.org/whyvegan/an...

Since I have become a vegan, I have had no desire to consume animal proteins or use animal products. This fascinates me because I have never been the type of person to follow a fad diet. There is something more to being a vegan, it is about doing the best you can to live cruel free, and not only that, it is a huge benefit to the environment and your own heath.

I found a link to a movie called Earthings. It is very graphic, truthful and disturbing. http://www.care2.com/news/member/7339299...

i saw a video on peta.com called 'meet your meat' and it showed how the animals were tortured and badly treated. that did it for me. ummm and then i did research and i found out how unhealthy it is to eat meat anyways.

because i love Animals and ive always believed in treating any body or any thing the same way id like to be treated i mean would you like to be treated badly all your life? would you like to be killed cut up and eaten?

My parents. I have never eaten meat in my life.

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