After watching Earthlings: Has it changed your attitude towards eating meat?!


After watching Earthlings: Has it changed your attitude towards eating meat?

Just curious.

My account got deleted for posting a link, so I'm not going to do it again.

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3 days ago
Yes. Deleted, because it shows harm done to animals.
I lost all my addresses and whatnot of years. Oh well..

3 days ago
Yes. Deleted, because it shows harm done to animals.
I lost all my addresses and whatnot of years. Oh well..

I was vegan when I watched it and it changed my attitude even more regarding animals. There were still things out there I wasn't aware of, at least not to that extent. I passed the movie along to alot of my meat eating friends, who were touched and distraught over it, but as one said...she passed it to some of her friends who didnt seem to get it. some people think its made up or extreme, which I can't understand. Even if some instances may not be the norm, it doesn't mean it didn't happen and still does happen. Makes me really sad to know that people will easily turn their back on something like that.

Earthlings is a stunning movie. I was already veggie when I watched it, but I learned so much more. I think they should be showing that in every schoolroom in the country-perhaps that way people could realize how bad we are messing up this planet. I cant believe they deleted your account for posting it!! Thats so wrong! Anyone can watch it on utube

Didn't change my attitude. Im still waiting for people to speak up against human rights atrocities in Africa and other places before i even consider going vegetarian.

Why would they delete your account for that? Too much truth for them to handle? I recently turned vegan, but I watched Earthlings after the fact. This film is so disturbing, I get an upset stomach just thinking about it. I dont know how anyone could possibly eat meat after watching this movie. It pisses me off to think that people are still unwilling to go vegan, or at the very least, vegetarian.

i first watched earthlings when i was a vegetarian. the movie literally brought me to tears in some parts. the fact that we inflict pain and death on animals who would want to live their life as nature intended was saddening. i became a vegan shortly thereafter, realizing that even though i was not eating their flesh anymore, i was still contributing to the animals' pain and suffering in some way.

i told a couple people to watch it, and the complaint i got was, "it was too long!" wow... an hour and a half is too long? yet, they can go on youtube and watch other senseless videos for hours on end...


I watched the whole video and I am a meat eater still....
There are things that I kept in perspective....
The film makers set out biased and ready to make a point....It was not an objective view of anything..
I will be the first to admit that there are a few sickos out in the world and what they are showing does happen but I feel that what you see is the exceptions and not the rule.....And also when the film crew was filming this thing why didn't they take their evidence to the authorities? There are laws in place in most of the world that would have punished the offenders.......
No they let these things happen ..I for one (A meat eater) would have dropped a dime...
I live in Arkansas and we produce quite a bit of the chicken and beef consumed.....But I have never seen a "factory farm"....Tyson's verify chicken house conditions and the chickens are cared for during the process...Beef cattle still roam fields until the cattleman (Usually a private family farm) sells them ...

So the only reason people are giving me a thumbs down is because they read "I am a meat eater"?........And never even considered the rest of my answer......I never down played anything vegan or vegetarian....My whole point was that it the film was biased..It wasn't honest reporting just propaganda...

No. I was vegan before. It rocked though, No PETA affiliation.

That is just sick..bad enough that people stood by and watched while a live dog was thrown into a trash compactor or another dog was shot at on the street and SAID NOTHING TO STOP IT...but they also TOOK OUT A CAMERA AND TOOK PICTURES TO MAKE A MOVIE!!! That person is just as sick as the people who did the atrocities. And showing that movie is no better than showing people pictures of Princess Diana dead in the car, is all blood and gore...there are children on here and that movie would be rated at least R in a movie theater. (I was not the one reporting you, however that is how I feel.) I realize that slaughterhouse and factory farm horrors if filmed, could probably not be changed by the protests of a person watching...but at least the other examples of the dogs COULD have had a different ending if the person with the camera had scooped up the dog laying on the street and offered to take it to a vet or if the person watching the person with the gun had tried somehow to protest to protect the dog being shot at.

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