Why do people want to be vegatarine's?!


Why do people want to be vegatarine's?

They can be a vegetarian because they deem it unethical to kill an animal. They think they are just as deserving of life and are essentially equal to humans. Plants, fungi, and bacteria are not as deserving of life because they have no brain functions. They have no consciousness in living, similarily how most think we have no conscousness after death. Shortly put, it is morally wrong to kill an animal with a conscious.

My friend's a vegetarian

To do with what is seen as needless killing of animals for food

Various reasons:-

They don't like killing animals to eat
They disagree with the conditions in which animals are farmed and reared
They don't like meat
They believe a vegetarian diet is healthier
Religious beliefs

why do people not know how to spell?

I want to be a tangerine

vegetarians? all sorts of reasons. some people are against killing animals for food due to moral beliefs. some people dont like the taste. some people dont eat meat for religious reasons. me? im too lazy to cook it!

As long a you get enough protein it is a very healthy diet. Some people do not like eating animal flesh or believe it is wrong to harm others including animals.

Some of us don't want to be vegetarian, we just simply are. I don't like meat, not just the taste but even the smell or the look of it. Vegetables are tasty and there is so much choice in the supermarket now for veg and things to mix with them from noodles and rice to fajitas. Being a veggie is great.

In a freaking nutshell, JJ.

Because they don't want to die early.

They dont want to be vegatarine's they want to be vegetarian's
and its because they dont like the thought of animals being killed for food and lets face it we would all live without meat and meat products .........

things I have read say we weren't designed to eat meat, thats why we dont have k9 teeth for ripping like animals do.. after answering this question it makes me want to came and not eat meat anymore after all I love animals they are great people.

Some because of the poor little animals, some because of the problems and diseases associated with animal farming.

Me because it no longer takes all day to collect a few berries, there is a tesco express on every corner, there is no need to eat meat now unless you do something that requires a lot of physical strength, and even then, there is something to replace the protein with.

they feel sorry for animals?
all though they are here so that we eat.

Its a moral view and perfectly valid imo.
I just hate it when some of it get really self rightous and insulting.
An individual on yahoo answers who claims to be a vegan has claimed the all meat eaters are racist and murders and generally not nice people. this individual is really mean and does no service to other vegans.

Why do people that eat animals not eat human beings? I know its against the law but when all is said and done its just meat and animals feel the same fear and pain that humans do.

its healthir for you and its not nice to murder animals

There is only one answer to that, my friend.


I'm vegetarian because i think theres no need to kill animals for food when we can survive without doing so. Animals are also cruelly treated before slaughter.

What is a vegatarine?

If you mean vegetarian then many reasons-animal welfare,health,dislike of the taste or texture of meat,religious beliefs etc.

"Vega" is the name of a streetfighter character. Work on your spelling. Adam, the first man on earth, ate nothing but the fruits and veggies of the ground and trees until they sinned. While eating clean meats is not a sin, God originally intended for us all to eat from the vines of the earth.

because animals don't wont to die!!! because no living thing wants to see its family riped away!!! because animals feel pain and fear!!! because they are defenceless!!! because they just wont to be free!!!

Vegetarians DO NOT EXIST its a made up name for people who want to be "different"

A vegaterian diet is one of the most healthest, as long as all vitamins are taken.

animals DO NOT deserve to die so some dumb humans can eat them and not give a sh*t
there are many vegetarian/vegan people out there who can live without eating animals so why do people decide to eat innocent creatures when they could live without harming them at all?

first time round i was a rebelling teenager, but i lost a stone in weight, craved meat when pregnant so ate chicken and pig, put on weight so again went veggie and lost almost a stone, did same again second pregnancy! now have 3 fussy children and have cooked 5 separate meals in 1 evening, not any more, veggie food not much variety, tasteless and expensive so now back on the pigs and chickens! sorry.

because i dont like to hear pigs to screem help for pain

because meaties can't use a spell check.

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