In biscuits and cakes?!
In biscuits and cakes?
do manufactures hide 12.2 million crumbs in each biscuit and cake that only children can find and a glue that only allows the food to stick to kids faces?
I think it's 12.3, and yes. Not only do they stick to faces, oh no, but ear lobes, fingernails and down nappies!!
I'm a mean momma, my kids only get such things at birthdays and crimbo.I hate cleaning.
Most of the time yes. It's kind of a magnet to kids faces.
yeah they do that with chocolate too,they make it so it melts all over kids faces,and not in the mouth!
I think they may. It sure does look cute, as long as I don't have to do the clean up!
you have too much time on your hands
The worst manufacturers for this are the ice cream makers. They give it a low melting point so it goes everywhere on a child.
No. Its actually 12.3 million crumbs they hide in each tin. They get the umpalumpers to check each tin individually and apply the special glue that makes it stick to kids faces