Vegans - What do you do about vaccinations, medicine etc?!


Vegans - What do you do about vaccinations, medicine etc?

Is it true that vegans do not take medicine? As far as I know all medicine and antibiotics are tested on animals, or are some not and can you find out if certain medicines/antibiotics are not tested on animals? What happens if you have a baby and they are due their vaccinations - diptheria, whooping cough, meningitis, MMR etc.. Do they not have them as they are all tested on animals? What happens if you have a serious accident and have to be admitted to hospital, would you refuse medicinal treatment if it was necessary to your recovery?
This is not meant as an offensive question at all, just an interest in the Vegan lifestyle as there has been a lot in the papers about it recently.

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3 days ago
Look I am not a troll I am asking a legitimate question.

3 days ago
I am not a vegan or a vegetarian. Recently in the papers it has been saying how much better it would be to be vegan. So know we know that, what about other aspects of veganism not covered in the papers - re my above question?

3 days ago
The Cheshire Cat - Thanks for your answer but as I said I am not vegan or vegetarian and my children have obviously had all their neccessary injections.

3 days ago
Koxinga - Does that mean that vegans do not give their babies their vaccinations at 2, 3 and 4 months or the MMR jab? So if your baby died at say 7 months of menigitis (the strain vaccinated against) then that would be natural and the baby would have lived it's well lived life? Or a young child went into hospital and needed an antibiotic to save his/her life you would refuse to let them have it?
Can I have some other vegans views please because this sounds very immoral regardless of beliefs!

3 days ago
Cheshire Cat - Didn't think about insulin - what happens if a vegan is diabetic then?

3 days ago
Ashley love - take a look at your own questions before calling me a troll. Extremist, spiteful, hate filled, need I go on? And yes actually have done some research and found some interesting site on herbal remedies for minor ailments, but I've yet to come across a site that gives me info on vegan friendly treatments for cancer, menigitis etc. Maybe you could point me in the right direction for that? I would be very happy for you to provide me with that info as that is what I asked in my question! Perhaps you would like to re-read it and ACTUALLY ANSWER the question instead of spouting your hate filled bile against non vegans. You need seriously need a chill pill!!!

3 days ago
Look I am not a troll I am asking a legitimate question.

3 days ago
I am not a vegan or a vegetarian. Recently in the papers it has been saying how much better it would be to be vegan. So know we know that, what about other aspects of veganism not covered in the papers - re my above question?

3 days ago
The Cheshire Cat - Thanks for your answer but as I said I am not vegan or vegetarian and my children have obviously had all their neccessary injections.

3 days ago
Koxinga - Does that mean that vegans do not give their babies their vaccinations at 2, 3 and 4 months or the MMR jab? So if your baby died at say 7 months of menigitis (the strain vaccinated against) then that would be natural and the baby would have lived it's well lived life? Or a young child went into hospital and needed an antibiotic to save his/her life you would refuse to let them have it?
Can I have some other vegans views please because this sounds very immoral regardless of beliefs!

3 days ago
Cheshire Cat - Didn't think about insulin - what happens if a vegan is diabetic then?

3 days ago
Ashley love - take a look at your own questions before calling me a troll. Extremist, spiteful, hate filled, need I go on? And yes actually have done some research and found some interesting site on herbal remedies for minor ailments, but I've yet to come across a site that gives me info on vegan friendly treatments for cancer, menigitis etc. Maybe you could point me in the right direction for that? I would be very happy for you to provide me with that info as that is what I asked in my question! Perhaps you would like to re-read it and ACTUALLY ANSWER the question instead of spouting your hate filled bile against non vegans. You need seriously need a chill pill!!!

I'm vegan, and I still take medicine. However, I only take medicine I really need (like my vitamin D supplement... I have to take one with D3 AND gelatin, because there isn't a high enough potency vegan version. Other than that, all I take is a vegan multi... I don't take painkillers). It sucks that it's tested on animals, but if there's no other alternative... Well, I really don't want to die. That's not helping the animals or myself. We do the best we can. There is no way to be 100% vegan in today's world, unfortunately.

*sigh*. Troll.


OK. Here goes. No, it's not true that vegans do not take medicine. Maybe you think they don't drive cars incase they run over a dog or cat?

Vegans *choose* to not eat any animal products. Simple as. Your first assertion was wrong, and all the others you've made from it are just inflammatory and troll-like eg: "What happens if you have a baby and they are due their vaccinations - diptheria, whooping cough, meningitis, MMR etc.. "

Yay hurray! More thumbs down please! Wankers. HE'S A TROLL. Get with the program...

Also a lot of vaccines are incubated in hens eggs....How do they manage then?

well, I hate to inform you of this..but many pharmaceuticals have certain derivatives taken from animals..

such as insulin's..and i wont get into detail on many of the others..

remember, its better to be safe than sorry..
just don't eat the meat, if its your beliefs..but please do not refuse medical treatment for you and your children simply based on your vegan lifestyle..

I would rather get the help I need from an animal than die ...

well i'm not vegan yet, but i don't agree with medicines tested on animals. if it meant me dying, or taking a medicine that has been tested on some poor, innocent animal, i would chose not to take it. however, if people voluntarily become "guinea pigs" for this medicine, i would take it, because it means that they subjected it upon themselves, as opposed to a poor monkey who didn't choose to be tested on. i hope i helped

As vegans, we believe that death is no big deal. It's better to live and die without causing suffering and harm to other sentient beings than to live by exploiting them. A life well lived is better than one that causes ill. After all, we all have to die so why cling on at all costs. As for diseases, living a healthy vegan life-style means one can dispense with all these shots which have nasty side-effects. Try it.
Whether it is moral to say that a Jehovah Witness is right or wrong to refuse blood transfusion is a sterile scholastic dispute. In the same way about vegans. Children, yes babies, die all the time from lack of proper treatment that sometimes cost as little as a few pence. Are we acting morally when we spend our money to pay for a bit more garnish on our Big Mac or to add one more star to our choice of hotel accommodation when the extra could go towards their treatment? We live in an increasingly judgmental and self-righteous society, but one in which the moral perspective is blinkered or distorted by the mote that is in our vision. If protecting your child is your moral absolute, at all costs, then where do you stop? It is a slippery slope, don't you think?
But if there's an anitbiotic which contains no animal products e.g. made from good ole penicillin mould, why not?

First of all, you are a troll. I read your previous questions and if it ask questions like a troll and walks like a troll... you get the point.

Secondly, there are lots of vegan alternative medicines. So many, I don't even know where to start. I do suggest you do some reading before you ask such questions. Honestly, now that I think of it, this is not even a valid question. Like I said, you are a troll.

1. I am a meat eater...
2. I was supposed to let you know that all of us Trolls are meeting under the bridge at 9:00 for a party...There will be plenty of billy goat gruff to go around.....See you there,,,

I think many non-vegetarians miss the point. I can't speak for all vegetarians / vegans but I myself do my best to limit or eliminate as many animal products as I can from my life that I feel are unnecessary.

Does this make me a hypocrite?

I mean lets be honest - I don't run everything I eat through an electron microscope to verify that there is not a single animal cell in what I am eating. I just try to make the best decisions I can based on the information I am given.

I just try to be a little more conscious about what I eat and the products I use. Some vegetarians / vegans are very strict in this regard, others are not.

We're just at one end of the spectrum. At the other end are people who eat buttered bacon sandwiches for breakfast every morning and have their first heart attack in their 30's. They just eat whatever tastes good.

I dont think youre a troll for asking a legit question and i think its rather immature of people to CALL you a troll.i would have asked the same question,ive often wondered about aunt was vegetarian/borderline vegan and she used homeopathic remedies although she did get her childs vaccines

Please do your homework. Not all medicines have been tested on animals. If you grab your PDR (include the compendium on OTC meds, too), you'll find out the percentage of medications that have never been tested scientifically at all, and there are a large number of meds that have been tested that were never tested on animals - you'll be shocked at the fact that the vast majority of meds were never tested the way the new meds are tested today. Many drug companies are trying to reduce the number of meds they test on animals, and there are a fair number of more "modern" meds that have been tested on animals - many of those are the ones that cause the most problems with side effects and interactions.

One of the best things you can do is avoid taking medications when at all possible. Medical interactions, side effects, and errors are the 8th leading cause of death in the U.S. This isn't about being radical, it's about reducing your risk of death. It may not be possible for all vegans to avoid medications that have been tested on animals, but even if they have to take them, that does not make them hypocrites. It's far more a testimony against a callous system that forces people to go against beliefs that people should be applauding, not questioning and making fun of.

The bottom line is that a vegan lifestyle will save your life and be far more likely to help you prevent needing any of the meds that have been tested on animals. Far better to prevent illness in the first place than to have to have a moral dilemma about what to take to correct the problems.

P.S. For Mick D, Morphine has been around far longer than the requirements for scientific testing the FDA requires today. It was not tested on animals.

Interesting question!

Can a vegan swallow or do they have to spit?

Typical. Ask a tricky question and the veggie nazis get all upset and hurl insults instead of actually answering the question. They dont want to be exposed as hypocrites. I dare say with confidence that if any one of them arrived in the A+E unit with a broken leg (probably sustained scaling a wall trying to free some chickens) they would be the first to scream for some good old, tested on animals morphine!! It sometimes reaches the same levels of lunacy as religious extremism around here. I keep coming back for the comedy value alone

Any sane parent or person will do what they have to do to prevent and cure illness.

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