Are you a vegetarian?!


Are you a vegetarian?

If so, why? I am thinking of becoming one, but I'm not convinced.

I was meat lover few years ago. It suddenly struck me that eating meat was not just. I really loved meat so I had to do months of study before I could give up the attachment to taste and think more reasonably. Over the years I’ve visited many vegetarian people and read many books. However it is always challenging to do something meaningful and important. It’s about how much guts you’ve got.

It’s about the human body:
Human body (teeth, nails, claws, etc.) resembles herbivorous animals rather than carnivorous. Most importantly, the vegetarian food contains more of fibrous tissue and so food gets easily digested and helps the stomach to remain smooth. But non-vegetarian food contains less of fibrous matter it doesn’t easily get digested by the HCL in our stomach. (for instance: a vegetable would easily burn in fire while meat may not). For this reason Carnivorous animals have smaller intestine (3-7 times their body length) to throw the undigested food outside their body faster. We have intestine 8-11 times our body length so the meat stays in our body for longer time giving out germs. It may cause and increase many ailments of the digestive system and even the occurrence of cancer of the large intestine is not unlikely

The content of cholesterol is greater in the fats and blood of animals. As this fat flows thru our blood veins it layers up to the veins and makes the area of blood flow narrow. This is a cause for heart attack. Diabetes is also caused from excess of diet deposited in the human body. Animal protein is necessary for some carcinogens to be incorporated in human DNA, thus initiating various forms of cancer.

It’s also about being compassionate:
Animals are more or less like us: they do love their children, love to live, and most importantly feel pain. If a single person gives up meat, consumption reduces and so does the killing. Over years you could avoid dozens of animals from being slaughtered.

It’s about living a meaningful life:
Moreover, if you believe in god, religion, karma you have every reason to become vegetarian. It explains that you may not expect to live healthy, happy and successful life when you can kill others just to feed yourself. Our life would be meaningful if others have a reason to be happy that we are alive.

It’s about our Earth:
Animals need much more water than grain to produce the same amount of food, and ending malnutrition and feeding even more mouths will take still more water. Also, The waste produced from animal farm has infected thousands of people.

And its about much more else...........

not yet tasha but it sounds very good though now if you would like to join me maybe it would be a very good idea

I'm a vegetarian because i don't like the taste of meat.

The more I hear about parasites in meat, e-coli, mad cow the less meat my family eats. If it where up to me I would not eat any meat but my husband and 2 sons cant seem to completely give it up. We probobly eat meatless 4 or 5 nights a week.

Im a vegetarian for 12 years. I think its a much healthier lifestyle.

No. But I do eat a lot of veggies. meat is only three times a week due to monetary concerns.


I am vegetarian because i cannot stand to think of eating the flesh of something that was once living and breathing. Although it has not been proved, i think animals feel as much as humans feel and to eat their dead flesh is to take in the negativity of death. I also really love animals and i can't stand to see them hurt. What is the difference between eating a cow and a dog or a cat? There is no difference. If you wouldn't BBQ your pet, then why would you eat the meat of another living thing. Please become vegetarian. You will feel so much better about yourself.

Hi =) I'm a vegetarian simply because I really don't like the idea of some poor animals flesh being chewed up and digested in my body. I was brought up a vegetarian, and despite the countless times that I have been asked and offered by my mom the choice of eating meat, and bringing it into my diet, I just can't stand the thought of it. Also, I've got a strong connection with animals by nature, so I feel that animals are my friends, not my food. I try to go by the mentality as much as I can.
That's all besides the fact that by adopting this lifestyle, your body & mind adjust to a healthier living. (in most cases) But it's really up to you, your own individual choice. It also depends on your lifestyle, your background, your social environment etc. I've never tried to convince anyone in vegetarianism, because I do accept that for some people, this way of living just doesn't suit them! It's a personal choice, and, unless asked, I won't preach it to anyone. It's up to you Tasha, I hope I've helped you decide what to do :) Good luck xx

When I go out to eat I am a vegetarian at home I'm a vegan.

Yes I am. And I think 'maniacker's answer is the best motivation for being vegetarian I've ever read!

Yes, I am a vegetarian.
I choose to not consume meat and MANY animal by-products (only a few steps from being vegan) b/c of the cruel treatment of the animals.
I also do not believe that consuming food tainted with steriods and hormones is good for the human body.
Upon further research, I also understand that the human body is not supposed to eat meat. Our teeth, stomachs and digestive tracts are not conducive to consuming and digesting meat in a healthy way.

yes, its much healthier, you'll be alot skinnier, you save animals, and its also part of my religion

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