I ate some plastic!?!
I ate some plastic!?
I was eating some lollies the other day and I accidentally ate some plastic wrapper!!!!!!
Plastic is not digestible by our digestive system and, depending on just how large the plastic wrapper was, you may or may not develop a problem. If the wrapper gets caught or hung up in your digestive (gastrointestinal) tract, it could cause a blockage leading to serious complications later on.
If you start experiencing stomach pains associated with severe constipation, it would be a good idea to contact your doctor right away.
it'll come out the other end in due time
Dont worry.
You wont die.
so what is ur question? don't worry you will poop it out later.
Don't worry, you'll be fine. Your body just won't absorb it. :)
smooth move jackass
Don't worry. It'll work its way out!