What happens if you eat bad shrimp?!


What happens if you eat bad shrimp?

I was just eating shrimp when I realized that the one I just swallowed tasted a lot like ammonia. I looked into this and it sounds like that means the shrimp was not fresh. Is this cause for concern?

Your stomach will let you know shortly just how bad that shrimp was.
Do you need to be warned: "Don't eat any more of that shrimp"?

The four most popular diseases tranferred through the consumption of raw or bad shellfish have telltale symptoms:

>AMNESIC shellfish poisoning (ASP)- is caused by Domoic Acid in shellfish. Symptoms are mainly gastrointestinal, especially at low levels, however about a quarter of cases experience neurological problems including memory loss that may be significant and permanent. Symptoms first appear within 24 hours and neurological difficulties within 48 hours. Toxic algae of the Pseudonitzchia genus produce Domoic Acid.

>NEUROTOXIC shellfish poisoning (NSP- ) attacks the nervous system. Symptoms include difficulty in swallowing, double vision, unsteadiness and tremor, nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting, numbness, tingling of the mouth, lips and extremities. Difficulty in distinguishing between hot and cold is also a characteristic. Onset of symptoms is likely to be within 24 hours. NSP is sometimes produced by an algal species known as Karenia mikimotoi.

>DIARRHETIC shellfish poisoning (DSP)- is caused by Okadaic Acid and related compounds. Symptoms are diarrhoea, nausea, and vomiting and abdominal pain. Acute symptoms usually occur within 12 hours and are of short duration. DSP group toxins are produced by a variety of phytoplankton species, mainly of the Dinophysis genus.

>PARALYTIC shellfish poisoning (PSP)- is caused by a group of chemicals called the saxitoxins and gonyautoxins. These chemicals all differ in their toxicity to humans but paralysis sets in shortly after consumption.

If the shrimp was bad, you will get sick within 4 hours.

You are dead
We are all dead
YA is Heaven

You probably won't die but you may wish you could.

Years ago, when I was living in the Caribbean, I ate a bad lobster and, to this day, even the smell of lobster is enough to make me look for a place to toss my lunch.

NO seafood should ever smell like Ammonia... in fact... Seafood should not smell at all.

On of the big mistakes that people make when eating shrimp is, they don't clean and devein it... that little sack that runs down the middle of the back should be removed because that is the INTESTINAL TRACT and you know what happens if you eat caca.

It amazes me how many people eat the shrimp, the carapace and the intestinal track and don't realize how low class that makes them look... Americans are the worst offenders... Europeans and people from the Caribbean KNOW what eating that stuff can do to you.

ur face will turn like a boiled shrimp
red n itchy hihi
it is if u are alergy with seafood
or if u don't alergy in seafood, u'll get stomach ache
but if ur health in fit condition it won't affect anything

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