Whatcan We all do to stop eating junk food and Pop?!


Whatcan We all do to stop eating junk food and Pop?

Start a to do list here, so i can take the best answers of all the junk foods you all list and Drinks, and get the feeling from those who like this food, to make a to stop list.
What else for common exercise each day, can we do to stay healthy also
Things to include in everyday work and home living.
Recreational things as family's to do together to stay fit that are reasonable.
I'll be waiting for a LOT of Answers soon.
be logical, but give me prenty of feed back, and maybe those who want to loos weight can come here to write these things down for themselves.. OK lets get started.

I think that a big deterrent to healthy eating is cost. Fresh fruits and vegetables can be expensive. At my grocery store, lemons were over $2 a pound and a pint of strawberries is almost $4. For people who are on budgets and have families to feed, it's easier to buy more economical food which will feed more people. I can get a pound of hamburger meat for less than $2 so that's what I buy a lot of. And as far as exercising, I don't think you can beat walking. It's great for beginners and the family can do it together.

I stopped eating junk food and Mt. Dew when I vowed to lose 50 pounds. I subsituted sparkling water for the soda. (All the fizz, none of the sugar or caffeine!). I read up on nutrition, and started a low-fat diet. I always read labels to this day. And I kept a food journal, right down to everything that was in a sandwich I made. Seeing it on paper really makes you realize what all you're putting in your mouth. Then as the weight was coming off, I started walking 2 miles a day. I lost it all and kept it off! And now I don't need to keep a journal because I know what's good for me and what's not. And I still walk.

I quit drinking pops 20 years ago because of the carbonation, the amount of sugar, and the nasty taste left in the mouth. I found I enjoyed ices teas much more.

For me it was finding out what was in 'junk' food. If people did a comprehensive investigation into what went into their foods they wouldn't be able to eat it. I discovered the number of chemicals, the pesticides, herbicides, steroids, hormones, feces, and other stomach turning things that end up in processed foods, and I quit, period, full stop. So, that's actually step two. Step one is something everyone has to answer for themselves. Decide if you care or not. Do you want to be healthier? Does it matter to you what you put into your body?
1. Do I care what I eat?
2. Educate yourself.
3. Start small. This is a BIG change, eating organically doesn't have to happen all at once. When you run out of something, replace it with an organic. Pretty soon you'll have a complete change out.
4. Network with others who share your desire for health.
5. Keep investigating, keep reading, keep watching, talk to others, share what you learn. This will keep you motivated.
Once you begin seeing and feeling the health benefits, that will also keep you motivated.

Don't let those who tell you it's too expensive to eat organically sway you. If your educate yourself and then find out what's in your area you can eat great for little more than you're paying for the bad stuff. There are local farm markets, food co-ops, farm co-ops that you can join for very little. Then learn to 'can' just like Grandma did. (well maybe great-grandma for some of you) Then you'll have veggies for the winter. You can also make freezer jam, bake your own bread once a week. Make that a family thing, letting everyone pitch in, same with canning. It just takes looking into and a bit of dedication to find the 'bargains' in organic living. A great resource(FREE) is the Weston Price Foundation. They have chapters country wide and provide lists of LOCAL area farms, co-ops etc for people to use. Just check on line for one near you.

About 3 months ago I started the Isagenix program and did a 9 day cleanse. After the cleanse I didn't crave junk food. I also started eating more fruits for snacks and drinking water all the time. I haven't had pop in a few months now. I have a sit down job so I try to get up and walk around a little bit off and on throughout the day. Sometimes I'll jog in place or do a few jumping jacks.

What I did was to start a diet because I am older now and had put on about 20 extra lbs. The diet was great and I have already lost all the weight I wanted to lose...well, nearly...but this diet has helped me to think a lot more about what I put into my body. (by the way, Suzette's answer is very good!) anyway, after the first 3 days of this diet, I noticed that my cravings for all the sweets I had been eating were being replaced with my wanting to be responsible about my eating. In just 3 short days, my eating habits had already begun to change. I also was feeling like staying more physically active. I spend so much time now outside and busy that I barely have time for the computer any more! That in itself is leading to a much healthier lifestyle. Losing the 20 extra pounds I had gained was the most motivating factor I have come across in a long time. Now that I have lost it, I will do everything right so that I don't regain it. I feel soooo much better and have never had so much energy!

If you can make it out of the store without cookies or pop, odds are you wont eat it at home. Who's gonna run to the store for cookies alone or pop alone? save those trips for when youre really craving but dont make it part of your grocery routine. Worked for me.

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