Always Exhausted ?!


Always Exhausted ?

Ever since I stopped eating meat, fried food, and fast food and stopped drinking soda (well over a month ago), it seems like I am tired all the time. I take supplements - a multivitamin, fish oil, and b12 - but it just seems I am so exhausted, even when I get enough sleep. This ever happen to anyone else ? I workout 6 days a week in addition to eating better (a lot of vegetarian foods, i.e. Morning Star products), but I am just always exhausted :( I got about 7 hours of sleep last night and took a nap today and I am STILL tired :'(

Additional Details

2 days ago
Just some notes. I don't have sex (not married) so I can't be pregnant. I drink a lot of soy milk; it has protein. I drink a lot of water.

2 days ago
And I am not 'dieting'. At 26, I decided I need to take better care of the body that God gave me. So I made lifestyle changes concerning my eating habits and what I let into my digestive system. So this is lifelong, not temporary. I don't believe in 'diets'. They don't work in the long run.

2 days ago
Just some notes. I don't have sex (not married) so I can't be pregnant. I drink a lot of soy milk; it has protein. I drink a lot of water.

2 days ago
And I am not 'dieting'. At 26, I decided I need to take better care of the body that God gave me. So I made lifestyle changes concerning my eating habits and what I let into my digestive system. So this is lifelong, not temporary. I don't believe in 'diets'. They don't work in the long run.

It sounds like your body is still detoxing from your former unhealthy habits. Keep up the good work, and drink lots of fresh spring water (not "purified" or enhanced", they contain chlorine) to help flush out the toxins in your system. Its likely that you have eaten a certain way most of your life, so you cant expect to feel great so soon after making better choices. Your body needs time to eliminate years of built up toxins. Fresh juices (squeezed with a juice extractor are best) will help flush your system to. Good luck and congrats on making better choices. Just give it a bit more time and dont become discourages. Also, try some nutritional yeast (not bakers or brewers) It has all of the B vitamins, including B 12. If your symptoms dont resolve in a couple of more weeks, consider allergy testing to see if you have hidden food allergies. Soy is a common allergen, and many people are allergic but have symptoms so mild they dont realize its an allergy. Perhaps some rice or almond milk would be a better option for you.


Soy makes me exhausted. So do mushrooms. Maybe you are sensitive to all the soy you are now consuming?

Go a step further! Stop eating dairy products, butter, cheese, yogurt, and don't eat eggs!

I find that eating fruits in the morning give me lots of energy and veggies for lunch is great for lifting me up!

You body could still be detoxing from the unhealthy habits.

Also did you excersize before, when you ate junk? If not, the excersize could be wearing you out. Try sleeping more at night, some people just need more sleep. I have to sleep about 9 hours or else I wake up tired.

your body is used to the meats so much that it is dependent on it...if you just quit eating meats suddenly then that might be the is a gradually stop eating the meats and those other things and replace them with healthier foods

Well your body is going through withdrawls and detoxing. One thing you are withdrawing from is caffiene. At least, you are getting much less than you used to. Try brewing some green tea to drink throughout the day. It may take a day or a week or so before you body begins to appreciate it's new normal, but I am proud of you for what you are doing. So inspiring!

Probably your body is still on the detox process, or maybe your body in general has certain preference for some food types(healthy) What you can do is check your Dosha type or check it with an ayurvedic Dr, trusth me, it'll help you a lot, Maybe you're a Vata, Pitta or Kapha Dosha, by that i mean that you need to reseach for ayurvedic help.
Ayurveda is a worldwide medical certified cience from India and it's here for more than 2000 years.
Hope this can also help you. :-)

It could be possible that you are not getting adequate amounts of vitamin B12. You might also want to watch the foods you eat at certain times of the day. Carbs in the morning and less in the afternoon. This will help you get a restfull nights sleep and energize you in the morning. Try eating a variety of fruits and veggies throughout the day. Don't just stick to a few. Eat small things every 2 or 3 hours to keep your body running. Even if it's just a banana or a granola bar. It could be that your body is still adjusting to the lifestyle. You might also want to have the doctor test for any dificiencies.

I posted and it got lost, so anyway, various people have similar issues and realized they need to eat more snacks during the day. I suspect this is due to the quick digestion of the kinds of food you are eating.

Here is an article Carl Lewis wrote about this type of issue.

I find I eat a granola bar or nuts or something during the day between meals.

Looks to me that you've gotten some good advice.
1) Soy is not really good for you..try Almond Milk or Rice Milk instead.
2) It is very likely you are DETOXING.. that wipes out your energy. hang in there it will pass very quickly.
3) Try adding Green Smoothies, they give me incredible energy. I'm doing a Raw Vegan "fast" this summer.
Lots of Luck

This is a health question. If you are eating properly and getting all the nutrients you need, your tiredness isn't diet related unless maybe you are over doing the supplements. You don't need 500% RDA of everything.

B12 is stored in the body and it would take 3-5 years for the supply to be diminished.

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