Is asparagus a good type of vegetable to eat?!


Is asparagus a good type of vegetable to eat?

Asparagus is one of the most nutritionally well-balanced vegetables in existence. It leads nearly all produce items in the wide array of nutrients it supplies in significant amounts for a healthy diet.

Asparagus is the leading supplier among vegetables of folic acid. A 5.3 ounce serving provides 60% of the recommended daily allowance for folacin which is necessary for blood cell formation, growth, and prevention of liver disease. Folacin has been shown to play a significant role in the prevention of neural tube defects, such as spina bifida, that cause paralysis and death in 2,500 babies each year.
Its wealth of nutrients, fiber and very low sodium and calorie content make asparagus a nutritionally wise choice for today's health-conscious consumer.

Asparagus is:
Low in calories, only 20 per 5.3 oz. serving, less than 4 calories per spear.
Contains no fat or cholesterol.
Very low in sodium.
A good source of potassium.(1)
A source of fiber (3 grams per 5.3 oz. serving). (2)
An excellent source of folacin. (3)
A significant source of thiamin. (4)
A significant source of vitamin B6. (4)
One of the richest sources of rutin, a drug which strengthens capillary walls.
Contains glutathione (GSH). (5)

Nutrient Values: % of USRDA


Serving size 5.3 ounces Protein 6%
Calories 20 Vitamin A 8%
Protein 3 grams Vitamin C 20%
Carbohydrate 3 grams Thiamin 15%
Fat 0 grams Riboflavin 6%
Cholesterol 0 milligrams Niacin 6%
Sodium 5 milligrams Calcium 2%
Potassium 400 milligrams Iron *
Dietary Fiber 3 grams Vitamin E *
Vitamin B6 10%
Folacin 60%
Magnesium 4%
Copper 4%
Pantothenic Acid


of course, almost any GREEN veggie are good and healthy to eat

sure! but just like anything, you shouldn't eat too much of it. you want to maintain a balanced diet. and besides, too much asparagus will make your pee smell.

Of course they are. The greener the better.

Yum! Good for you and delicious. My kids even love them.

oh ye!

yes, it is full of nutrients that your body uses to grow. Green vegitables are always the best for you!

Asparagus is a great vegetable to eat plus it makes your pee smell really bad.

yea, that stuff is good!!

sure.. why not? get it at a restaurant as part of a dish

No, you will die of asparagus poisoning.

nutritionally, yes.
But it makes your pee really stink. Like REALLY stink.

I'm more of a broccoli fan.

I love asparagus. Any vegetable is a good one to eat, though.

My husband and mom only like the tips, they say the stalk is too stringy. I like the stalk better, cuz it's sweeter.

And if you eat too much of it it'll make your pee smell awful.

It's fabulous steamed. A little Holandaise sauce is a nice touch.

Very good, they are healthy and help the kidneys, they are better steamed and lightly butter, that way they keep all the nutrients!

Asparagus is a nutrient-dense food which in high in Folic Acid and is a good source of potassium, fiber, vitamin B6, vitamins A and C, and thiamin. Asparagus has No Fat, contains No Cholesterol and is low in Sodium. Oh yeah, and it makes your pee smell funny after you eat it!

Yes it is very good for you and has a lot of vitamins in it. It doesn't taste so bad if you had butter and flavor. I like asparagus, but most people don't.

YES! And it is so good too!

No Fat, contains No Cholesterol & LOTS of vitimans. Perfect :]

Try some in the oven with some olive oil poured sparingly over it with some sea sald & cracked pepper.. Yum.

I love it with a bit on melted cheese on it. The cheese needs to be the saucy cheese though.

that would depened on what you like or dislike .but otherwise yes

Yes, it is one of the healthiest vegetables, along with broccoli.

yes, high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber

crust it with some parmesan cheese and yummmmmy

i guess, its greens right? but it also makes your pee smell bad.

They are delicious, hot or cold.

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