What is the biggest amount of tacos that u can eat?!
What is the biggest amount of tacos that u can eat?
My friend and I had a contest at Taco Bell once.
I won.
It was after a day of no eating.
All tacos were soft tacos with cheese and lettuce.
200 grams
f you are talking like taco bell kind of tacos, I think I've had around 8 - 10 tacos been really hungry
i had four tonight. yummmmmmmmmmmmy
that depends what kind they are
jack-in-the-box i can eat anywhere from 4 to 10
taco bell i can eat anywhere from 3 to 6
if its the pink ones , as many as are available to me!
at taco bell i order a number 7 it had like ten tacos after that i was still hunger !!!!
probally like 5