Why do my kidneys hurt when i drink cranberry grape juice?!
Why do my kidneys hurt when i drink cranberry grape juice?
are you sure it's your kidneys? there are a lot of other organs in that area. for example your appendix. my friend was getting stomach aches and it ended up being her appendix. i'm not sure what other organs are in that area, but it could be something other than your kidney.
you might be allergic to it or you may just have to go to the doctors
Probably your imagination. Cran. grape juice has a lot of sugar, and very usually very little actual juice content.
Somebody is probably going to say it has something to do with cranberries flushing your system, and yes cranberry juice can be good for your kidneys and urinary tract, but it has to be 100 percent juice, and it has to be consumed in very large quantities, like a half gallon per day,