Do you think that letting children have a small glass of wine is acceptable?!


Do you think that letting children have a small glass of wine is acceptable?

Is letting children drink small sips of wine acceptable during meals? Does it teach them to drink responsibily or does it promote alcohol abuse?

Since it has been proven that small doses of wine are healthy for you, and considering that what tends to attract people to drinking when young is usually the "forbidden fruit", I'd say I see nothing wrong with it. It's not like you are getting them drunk or something.

Incidentally, the rate of alchoholism seems to be lower in european countries where alchohol is generally not some big moral issue, such as France and Italy, where it is very common to use wine in both cooking and to drink with meals.

It should even be commendable.

i think just a little sip or a few drinks should be fine.
but if theyre really young, then you may want to wait until theyre 13 or up.
otherwise, a little wont hurt.
just make sure they know and learn their limits!

Europe or USA? USA no get locked up , Europe yes a glass before lunch is acceptable


Go play in traffic

It is not acceptable for a child to drink wine. It is illegal first and foremost and secondly we want our children to be law abiding citizens, right?

One sip is fine, I guess, but if you give them too much they could become addicted.

I think that an occasional small glass of watered-down wine would be fine for older kids. It would, I think, allow them to see alcohol as a nice addition to a meal and not a drug upon which to binge. Yes, yes, in the U.S. it's illegal. I still think that parents have the right to decide things like that for themselves.

i'd say let them know what it's like...that it's not that big of a deal, but dont make a habit out of it otherwise they might grab for some in public and make you look bad

I think it is appropriate for special occasions. Only a small bit in a wine glass.

In Europe many children have wine or beer with their lunch. Just a bit. It depends on the country and culture. I think the bigger a fuss we make about alcohol being taboo, the more we are inviting teenagers to become obsessed with obtaining illegally provided drinks.

Force them to drink it and tell them it is full of vitamins that will make their teeth, bones, eyes and hair strong. They will never touch it later.

Its not legal...but that being said. Kids that grew up with a little exposure to it (in my experience going through high school, college, and beyond) seemed to not go through the constantly drunk, crashing your car, and throwing up on your own shoes phase.
I thinks its better to learn about it from your family.

I've raised 2 girls, 20 and 18 (at this time), never allowed them to drink until they were 18 and 1/2 years old only because my husband advocated for them. Drinking age is 19 here. My oldest drinks socially and is very responsible the younger never drinks ever only sip she ever had she spit back out.

I think children never. Its wrong to take a chance even if 99.99% turn out fine what if your one child is the one who has something awful happen.

It has been shown that in places where this is acceptable, there is not much alcohol abuse and people getting drunk, but in places that it isnt accepted (the US) we have the worst.

My parents let us drink what we wanted growing up and neither of us drink now because we found it disgusting when we were smaller.


It is not illegal, unless you are allowing your child to become intoxicated.

I used to work at a bar(I'm in Texas) and while we did not serve children, the law states that a minor may consume alcohol in the presence of a parent, legal guardian, or legal-age spouse with the consent of the proprieter of the business. So this is in PUBLIC, mind you.

In this world that we live in, the last thing we need to worry ourselves about is how often we give our kids a sip of wine.

And boo to all those freak-ohs whose weenie kids are going to grow roots out of thier eyesockets cause of all the organic crap they have been fed.

I dont think it does any harm. I wouldnt let them have it every night but on special occasions. I usually give mine wine at christmas or birthdays. I dont think it would promote alcohol abuse, more likely teach them it is special and to savour it. I think forbidding it entirely is more likely to cause teenagers to want to binge drink.


let them have a few sips. they probably won't even like it. if they do like it, letting them drink with control will make sure that they're not like those stupid teens who sprint out the gate to binge drink when they're legal because they're repressed. people have such a big problem with alcohol. the problem isn't alcohol, it's the abuse.

If the children asking for it, of how it taste like, I guess I'll let them have a sip. Most of the children won't like it anyway and try to explain to them what it will do to you if you drink too much..

When I was growing up we first were allowed a few sips, when we were "old enough." Don't remember what the magic age was, but I remember as a teenager, being allowed a 1/2 glass with a special occasion meal. I was also allowed sips of beer, but I didn't like it. It just wasn't a big deal in my house, and I think because there was no mystery around it I didn't sneak into the liquer cabinet as a kid.

Legally no, not in the USA.

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