Is drinking alot of caffeine dangerous?!


Is drinking alot of caffeine dangerous?

Is Drinking cans of Monster Energy daily, or even coffee dangerous? Since caffiene is a drug, wouldnt too much of it be unhealthy? What can happen over time if you drink coffee or energy drinks alot? Any known health promblems? Thanks =]

(and couldnt it be dangerous to children who drink CANS of soda a day?)

Yes, it CAN be dangerous. The direct correlation, according to the American Heart Association, between excessive caffeine intake and coronary heart disease is not conclusive. Caffeine intake causes your metabolism to speed up and release fatty tissues. However, it also affects the kidneys, causing dehydration and LOTS of having to pee. Not the greatest for guys.

Yes, it is a drug. I know, because I've pulled numerous all-nighters on Jolt Cola, Mt. Dew, Dr. Pepper, etc... You can actually go through "withdrawals" for 12 to 24 hours after your last dose, causing most prominently headaches (migraine strength often), anxiety, fatigue, drowsiness and depression. Large amounts of caffeine may cause the body to lose calcium and potassium, causing sore muscles and delayed recovery times after exercise or hard work.

Moderation is the key. Nothing wrong with a few sodas or Cafe con Leches, but try to spread em out, IMO.

Source(s): and

Life only lasts so long. Who cares if its bad. It's not like your going to lose 30 years of your life cause of it.

yes it can help u develop cancer, loose concentration if drink too much, and even get a little jittery

yes its bad 4 ur teeth and heart rate and its bad 4 ur urinary tract. ask ur docter to take a look in ur caffen level if you r drinking alot of caffine. it also makes you gain wait wich is very bad news. it gives you energy wich leads to lack of sleep. witch is very bad 4 emotions and stress level. stress leads to low emune system. and your welcome. lol. im only 12 and know this wow amazing huh lol.

Yes it's unhealthy, i only drink a big 16 oz mug of decaf per day, and even that sends me flying, but caffeine is a bad for your system, it stimulates things internally that shouldn't be. Don't get to like it if you haven't and those extra caffeine drinks are murder. Stay away from them....... and yes it also IS a drug! :-( Just read below that it causes cancer? The latest word is that it AVOIDS cancer and Decaf specifically is good for lowering blood sugar. It was on all the news stations.

I have a book that claims that 100 cups pf coffee over the course of 10hours will kill most people. I have to assume that it's the caffeine, which is an active ingredient in most energy drinks.

yes it is unhealthy and on most energy drinks there are warning labels as to how many a day u shoulnt drink more than

Drinking too much caffeine can affect your nervous system and accelerate your heart beats.

Also, caffeine dehydrates you and blocks the absorbtion of vitamins into your system. If you dont need the extra caffein limit yourself to one cup of coffee a day or cut your consumption by half. Caffeine is also not good for your kidneys so just love your body and be healthy...

Drinking more than on high caffeine drink a day Is something I would not recommend. A reasonable amout of caffeine for and adult is 200mg to 300mg a day. Caffeine intoxication is achieved at around 400mg, all this depending on weight and if you have built up a bit of a tolerance or not. Caffeine cannot cause cancer, there has been no studies linking it to causing cancer. I would not recommend giving caffiene to any child under 8. Caffeine increases urination when taken in large amounts, but drinking water can help.

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