How do you save money grocery shopping?!


How do you save money grocery shopping?

Buy in bulk
Buy mostly what you need, not what you want
Don't buy name brands
Buy what's on sale
Use coupons
Don't bring kids who want to buy everything they see
Don't shop when you're hungry (you'll buy too much food)

Clip coupons. Sunday papers usually have lots of them. Make a grocery list before you go and stick to it. Avoid impulse buying at the check out. NEVER go shopping while you are hungry. Set a budget and stick to it.

Shop bottom shelf. Things on the upper shelves are usually higher priced brands that pay for that premium space.

I use coupons, especially when it's on sale. I love the buy one get one free sales when I have a coupon for the item, it brings the price down for each next to nothing. I buy generics or store brands, not always, though. Sometimes it does make a difference in the flavor, like tomato soup for one. I also find I spend less when I bring a list and don't buy anything that's not on it.

Buy fresh vegetables and bulk grains and legumes .....etc....when ever possible you get a lot more food then when you buy processed stuff. Always shop around at different stores and look at the ads for sales at different stores, stock up on sail items....

The method that helps in weight loss too. ask yourself... HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT ME? do i really need it?

Make a list.
Use coupons, but ONLY for the things that are on your list.

Regarding coupons, check You will get free samples as well as coupons.

Use your Club Card.

Buy generic canned goods. Don't buy generic Kroger products, they are horrible.

If there is something you are not satisfied with, return it.

For meats or dairy that you are going to cook that day, buy the "almost expired" for over half off.

When the market has a sale for "10 for $10," only buy what you need, you will still get the sale price.

Buy dented cans on sale. NEVER buy bulging cans...that means a bacteria build up.

I buy some of the discounted fruits & veggies. (You can eat about 1/2 of the stuff) I clip coupons, buy on sales and have a club card.

Take a list with you,and no impulse buying.Also check the specials catalogues.I save a lot of money by buying in bulk and using my freezer whenever possible.

I grow my own vegetables and herbs.

We watch the newspaper inserts for sales. We have a Safeway card. I keep a running grocery list of things needed right away and things that can wait for the next trip. I clip a few coupons. I try to buy generic when I can, but some things like mashed potatoes? The Safeway brand is horrid. And you really have to look at prices. If you can get store brand at 10 for $10, sometimes the brand name is actually cheaper! I buy meat in bulk, portion it up at home and freeze it. I buy spices in bulk because those teeny jars are overpriced. I buy blocks of cheese and shred them myself and freeze them in ziplocks.

Now here's a neat trick. I track our grocery spending in Excel. You can see how much you've spent so far this month, and it tells you what you've bought. So you don't get duplicates of things by accident. Or you know you need to use up something in the fridge soon, like "That milk was already 10 days ago??" or "I DID buy pesto! Must be somewhere in the freezer."

And I grow some of my own fresh herbs on the patio, and have a lemon tree.

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