What foods can produce testosorone?!


What foods can produce testosorone?

Your hormone levels are directly tied to what you eat. You might want to get one of Barry Sears, Zone books. His diets are all about eating in a way that balances your hormones. He suggests 40% Carbs, 30% Protein and 30% Fat.

If you want to increase your testosorone because you want larger muscles check out bodybuilding.com. There are many many articles there that address eating for maximum muscle gain. Nutrition is the biggest part of muscle development.

If you feel you have low testosorone then see your doctor and have it tested. There are natural ways to increase it, but you want to make sure there isn't a medical issue causing the problem before you try to fix it.

peanuts or pistachios or sum kind of nut lyk that and onions lol but they smell

foods don't produce testosterone, it's a hormone haha.


So are sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and pistachio nuts. Pumpkin seed oil is reported to protect older men’s urinary tracts from the aging effects of testosterone, but it is not a phytosterol itself; that is, it isn’t like testosterone.

Hope I helped. Oh, and let me add this:
If you are a teen...Teens hardly ever need extra hormones, male or female. And the ones we do use with teens are ones we have studied carefully and give for very specific reasons. Most of the sex hormone-like chemicals in plants are not very well understood, may not work like the hormones the human body produces or the ones we make in the pharmaceutical laboratories.


None...only your body can produce it. If it isn't producing enough your doctor may be able to recomend something.

There are a few but they are toxic. There's a plant called "Yohimbe" which does produce an androgen-like compound that makes muscles bigger. Unfortunately, it works real well on the heart and an enlarged heart causes heart attacks. There's a link below to an article about phytoandrgens.

None, any that advertise that they do should be avoided like the plague. If you have a low T level you are much better to take your medication, otherwise you have no need to play with your hormone levels.

Plants do produce certain androgen compounds but there is no way to know if these effect human hormone levels and if they do how the effect would be. One problem with all analogs is that they could bind to receptor without providing the needed hormone and actually block the useful absorption of the real hormone.

Another thing to remember is if you try to megadose T your body will convert it to estrogen. I take T and let me tell you the acne is no picnic. Most people have no idea the hellish pain of acne on your tail bone, be grateful and don't play with your hormones.

Soy has Phyto estrogen in it.... as far a Testosterone I dunno.

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