Whats your reason for being a vegeterian?!


Whats your reason for being a vegeterian?

my bf is a veggie...and if we get married...i'll have to turn one too! he doesi t for his hindu religon...i'm hindu but i still eat meat...will this be a hard transition?

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2 days ago
his whole family is veggies....i don't want to look like a beast!

2 days ago
his whole family is veggies....i don't want to look like a beast!

I'm a vegetarian because I just get grossed out from meat. If you don't personally feel firmly about being a vegetarian (for health, animal rights, religion, disgust of meat, etc.), then yes, it will probably be a hard transition. Do you have to become a vegetarian? There are plenty of couples in which one person is a vegetarian and one isn't. If you have to become a vegetarian, perhaps it would help if you read up on why vegetarianism in Hinduism is required and maybe that will convince you and make you feel firmly about it (becoming a vegetarian just because you're marrying one won't be easy). You could always eat meat when you're away from him and his family and not eat it in their presence. My husband only avoids meat when he's with me at home, but eats it everywhere else.

-I'm a vegetarian
-I'm a Registered Dietitian (RD)

my reason is for
Animal cruelty and
i don't want to eat something else that has blood.

i dont eat meat because it is cruel, its not hard....just think of all the poor animals you are killing!
and eat a lot of fruit and take your vitamins

I couldn't be a veggie!!! I'm allergic to soy & I love meat

>Taking someones life so you can have a good meal. Don't tell me how we raised them and this is in return. Think about eating your pet dog!

Meats good for u. Just balance ur meals and ull be healthy
ps my brother a vegeterian not because he doesnt like meat because its just healthier for him. just like people eat less to lose weight.

I am hindu and I am not Vegitarian. Hindus only can't eat Beef (any thing that has to do wth a cowas meat) or Pig(as any meat) so you might have to be carefull. YOu can eat chicken, duck, turkey or stuff like that because those aren't cow or pig. Chicken is used lot in Indian meals too! Yum!

I'm vegetarian because I hate meat. I don't like the fact that it use to be an animal walking around, or caged up. I have the taste in my mouth and it grosses me out to think about.....My hubby eats meat all the time. What we do is cook a normal meal that I like, and then some meat to add to it, or eat on the side. You should try to convinc him that you can keep your carniverous ways. He should be okay with you doing what you want. If not, you're getting into a relationship that you're gonna have a lot of unexcpeted changes to make down the road. Stick to your ways, and you can have a happy marriage. :) It's really not hard to do!

I love meat... I could never give it up... but it is your choice, good luck!

ok, before you decide to go veggie, go to subway and order a veggie sub. If you feel like it's missing something, you'll probably feel like that down the road, and you'll miss meat. I'm not a veggie, but I no longer eat meat at fast food restaurants do to the movies/documentaries entitled "super-size me" and "fast food nation." Ulgh...gross!

Hello I am a vegetarian and have been for a long time. When i first changed from eating meat it was not hard at all.The longer you go with out it the easier it will be

I think you're seeking problem by turning into a veggie, i mean in your relationship. But you know better.
I haven't gotten to the " against cruelty thing " point yet! ( even though, I'm animal lover and having a adorable pet, such a pig, ha!) in order to become veggie, but considering that, I'm a meat lover, some times seeing the blood residue on my plate and black or reddish veins on meets gross me out!
So, i wish i could be one, if i could resist the summer smell of BBQ!

I'm vegetarian because I was raised that way. Whenever anyone asks me if I miss meat, I tell them you can't miss something you've never had.

The difficulty of the transition will probably depend on how commited you are to making the change, and how much will power you have. I recommend doing a detox to get started.
Good Luck!

Vegetarian diet is sooooooo tasty. This is a list off the top of my vegetarian head!! lol....
Have you had pakoras, samosa, veggie pizza, kheer, malpura, idlis, vegie burrito, veggie curd lasagna,
eggplant tomato potato subji with fried curd, rasagulla, puri, parathas, veggie tacos, raita, pani puri,
multi grain pancakes with bananas,
stuffed bell peppers with rice and cheese,
curry sauce on rice, keesh, gauranga potatoes,
banana strawberry milk smoothie, baraat in yogurt sauce, taro cooked in coconut milk, ulu, (bread fruit) with butter, jack fruit subji with curd, nut loaf, phulkapi mango chatni, gulabjaman, cardamon halavah, fried young coconut,
hot home made brown bread with cold butter,
butter samosa, coriander and muli chatni,
baked rice with cheese and tomatoes,
millet kofta balls in spicey tomato sauce,
eggie sandwich at subway, whey and veggie soup with curd chunks, brown rice noodles in black beans,
mung bean sprout stir fry with ginger sugar and soy sauce, teriyaki tofu,
baked potatoes and salad with vinegar and sesame dressing, veggie hot dogs, home made french fries in ghee, hash browns, mung dal paddies, bryers icecream,
mango, strawberry, banana, blueberry fruit salad with yogurt, honey and cardamon,
fire roasted eggplant with butter and salt,
or baked eggplant............and it just goes on and on and on.

Because of this kind of wonderful menu, many meat eaters happily switched to veggie. In fact, they happily switched from Christianity to Hindu, JUSt for the food!! (my mom and dad included)

So anyway, I am a happy fat vegetarian!

I hope the transition is smooth and tasty!

Being a vegetarian isn't that hard on the body, in terms of hard, so much as it is inconvenient at times to remain so, but it is really true there are so many, many good things to eat that don't contain meat... Try it it will be fun.Use your imagination. At one point in your life or another you are gong to have to care about what you eat, so now is as good a time as any to start.

My boyfriend is a vegetarian, because he believes it's cruel to animals, he also doesn't wear animal skins and is always very kind to them. I love animals as well, but I also enjoy eating them. Why do you have to become a vegetarian because he is? My boyfriend has no problem with the fact that I enjoy meat, he just doesn't.

I'm not a vegetarian,but if i was one my reason would be because of my christian beliefs or because i thought that it would be a healthier lifestyle for me that I'd be willing to take on. When it comes to the animals I'm sry but that's just the circle of life and if we don't eat the animals the animals are just going to eat the animals.just because ur man's a veg doesn't mean u have to be u could maybe cut down or take on some of the dfrnt foods that he eats but don't totally change ur eating habits, just for him

I don't eat them is because, it is other being flesh and blood, some more i don't want the animals end up in my tummy as a COFFIN for them. It is curel to see them been killed. Put your self in the animal shoes, do you want to end up in a human tummy...???

I do not like the look or taste of meat or the way the animals are killed and I think all animals have a right to life

It's not because of my love for animals...

It's because I really hate plants! :-)

1st off, ignore the people who tell that your relationship is in trouble if you feel you have to become a vegetarian for your husband. It's a culture difference, a western way of thinking, and since you Hindu, your culture is different than the western culture and people should respect that.

If you want to make the transition you shouldn't have problems doing it, but you may need to do it slowly. Since their are religious reason for being vegetarian you should seek the counsel of a religious leader and clarify things for yourself.

Talk to your bf and if you feel comfortable talk to his mother about it. Take your time making the change, listen to your body and you will be fine.

Eating meat can be very hard on your digestive system. Meat is harder for our stomachs and intestines to break down, so it stays in our systems much longer and decays before it can used and pass thru. Changing to a vegetarian diet when done correctly is one of the healthiest things you can do yourself. Also if you believe in karma, think of all the death you will no longer be contributing too.

Good luck, and feel free to contact me privately if I can be of any assistance.

You have to do this for YOU & no one else. If you become vegetarian/vegan because of someone else's beliefs, then I don't think it would work. My husband & I are high raw vegan for health reasons. I've been off & on vegetarian/vegan for about 2 yrs and he never was either one. And we finally made the decision together awhile back to become vegan & be committed to it for the rest of our lives. We also have come to realize over the past few weeks that we are doing something good for the planet & the animals, too. Even before I was vegan, I still didn't eat fish because I find them to be very exotic creatures and just couldn't imagine killing one of them. Make a list of why you want to become veggie & then see if you are at peace & a sound mind with it.

I don't eat meat because of animal cruelty and the things you can find in meat. If your bf is veggie that doesn't mean that you have to be too. Just be respectful of your bf's decision to be veggie. If you want to eat meat then cook it in a different pot/pan not in the same things. He probably doesn't want to have meat broth in his food that is why you want to cook the food separately.

personally, i just really hate the taste of meat... but i do believe in animal rights. i hope the transition goes well for you, i can be hard but in the end it's definitely worth it. hang in there!!

I am veggie for spiritual reasons. Dont' worry, once you go veggie you won't miss it as long as you eat right for your constitution. If you crave meat, try eating a big handful of raw almonds once or twice a day. They are very satisfying. Be sure to eat some raw foods at most meals for life force energy. Once you are veggie for a while, you'll probably understand why others are veggi too:)

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