Are onions good in scalloped potatoes? How about bacon bits?!


Are onions good in scalloped potatoes? How about bacon bits?

What other way I can spice it up without meat. Also, these are from the box.

are you kidding? Throw in EVERYTHING..... and all the seasonings you have in the house and you'll wind up with a masterpiece!

bacon bits-yes

Onions and scalloped potatoes go great together- give it a nice kick and bacon bits are a great southern twist. Really good food right there.

You can add onions, bacon, chopped ham, and green onions...sautee everything first and be sure the bacon is cooked thru

If you like onions, it should be fine....bacon bits, too....or pieces of bacon would be even better.

This is a dish that can be changed any way you want...and the box ones are good.

Not sure why you don't want meat, but you can add weiners, spam, ham, etc. as well.

Box recipe or from scratch I have found recipies dating back 50 years that call for a layer of potatoes, then some pads of butter (margarine), layer of thinly sliced onions, sprinkle lightly with salt & pepper, (optional..add a dusting of flour ), then repeat the process until your casserole dish is at the level you wish. Adding the milk sauce over the entire mixture and bake as directed. Bacon bits scattered throught the mixture or even left as a coating on the top would be a nice treat. Try to use REAL bacon bits from a jar or if you have bacon in the frig then layer some slices on the top of the casserole before placing in the oven. My family loves it.

I like to saute the onions first.
Bacon never hurt anything !
Cheese is good

I make my scalloped potatoes with ham, cheddar cheese, sliced onions and frozen peas, but I bet you could omit the ham and it would still taste good. you should really try making them homemade, they'll taste better

you bet ya, i just had that very idea over the weekend. 8 the whole thing but didn't mean 2 it was so good i couldn't stop and 2 start with i made it fer my neighbor & me but he didn't get none & i told him, we just laugh, of coarse he had his say, ha.''

In true scalloped potatoes onions are kind of redundant, because these are sliced potatoes covered in bechemel and baked, and bechemel is milk with an onion piquet steeped in it and then thickened with roux and flavored with nutmeg. Garnishing with chopped scallions or fried onions might be tasty, though.
A lot of people confuse scalloped with au gratin, which is a cheesy potato bake, Onions or bacon bits could definitely enhance those.

Mixed herbs, or a herb that goes with other foods you are serving. Bacon bits of course is fine as are onions - though I think you will find that bacon is meat. I would add some garlic too, thinly sliced celery, etc.

Instead of normal onions, many baked/cooked potato recipes call for onion powder which give a good onion flavor without the issues of overcooking.

Rosemary and garlic is a good combination also for a meat-free combination.

Not simulated bacon bits, only real ones. Simulated will break down in the liquid and be gross.

I didn't realize anyone would make scallop potatoes without onions. Of course you should put those in there.

Sliced carrots can be added, cheese, parsley, garlic....

It just depends on what u want!!!!! Both whould work.

Just saute your onions in a bit of butter or olive oil first. Major yummy!

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