Why do People eat meat?!


Why do People eat meat?

I wanted to ask that who eats meat does not care about killing the Animals?

I don't know why people eat meat. It's been linked to certain types of cancers, high blood pressure and heart disease. How so many of these posters think it's "healthy" and "necessary" is beyond me.
Everyone needs to do some research before they have diarrhea of the mouth. It's painfully obvious they don't know what they are talking about.
The human body was not designed to consume the flesh of another animal. Canine teeth? Are you kidding me? Our canine teeth pale in comparison to those of tigers and lions - animals that ARE designed to rip and tear flesh. Raw flesh at that. Our teeth are more rounded and are conducive to eating vegetables, fruit, beans and legumes. Our bodies cannot consume raw meat or we will get sick. Our stomach acid is not strong enough to break it down in that form. The animals' acid is, however. Let's look at the digestive tract. Our small intestine is 20-25 feet long. The large intestine is about 5 feet long. The meat stays in our systems way too long. As it goes through the process, it is literally rotting and releasing toxins and bad chemicals into our system (enter a contributing factor of colon and stomach cancer). The digestive tracts of wild animals are much shorter than ours. They are able to expel the meat as waste in no time.
In the grand scheme of things, we are gatherers. We have the dexterity in our limbs (i.e. hands) to pick, harvest and plant. Other species do not have this and that is why they must hunt.
So when people say that we are supposed to eat meat, I must laugh. There is nothing about us anatomically that points to the necessity or the capability of humans eating meat.

common sense and research

meat is good. especially some steak, carne asada, or cheeseburger.

God made animals for food!
We need meat to live unless you have some kind of supplement
Its not wrong to kill animals for food
plants are alive...and yet you dont care about killing them?

It tastes good, and is good for you. No, I could care less about killing animals. Just as you could care less about killing plants. They are living things too, they just don't walk around and moo or oink. You vegans seem to forget that.

i eat meat because i like the taste, i do care about the animals though and try to only eat meat from organic farms where the animals have been treated well and cared for.

If humans weren't supposed to eat meat we would have incisors and canines(teeth) for ripping and tearing meat.

We also get a lot of nutrients from eating meat - a lot of vegans have to take supplements because they don't get enough nutrients from vegetables and pulses.

Because I hate Beans

Because it tastes SOOO GOOOD!

(he says as the blood from a nice rare rump steak runs down his chin)

My hands are clean,I can just go to the supermarket and the meat is all is ready for me,packaged,waiting to go home.And very nice it is too.

well, i believe that killing anything is wrong, but also u have to worry about your own health, to be honest, i dont believe be ing a vegetarian is very healthy juss because you need meat because u need the fat that it has, if humans were not meant to eat meat, dont u think that god wouldnt have put animals in our line of fire? humans need meat! some animals need meat!

as long as i dont have to kill the animal meet tastes good.Im shallow i know

It's part of the food chain.... whatever you do is your personal choice and opinion. We were also brought up by our parents to eat meat and for most of us it's too late now. I personally love it in all forms including fish and fowl and being a diabetic, I have no choice for it to be my main source of food since I can have very little carbohydrates or literally DIE unless I want to take medication, which I don't..... and that is MY choice just as not eating meat is yours. If it was so wrong it would be against the law long ago. So to each his own. I do care about killing the animals.... but care about maintaining my own life more, and as a human being, which comes first. This planet would go back to being a swamp without us. Plant life is all carbohydrates and sugars which is poison for me, except small portions of vegetables, but no fruits with all that sugar in them. I'm sorry, I'm not prepared to give up MY life, to save a cow, or a chicken .....or a fish...

PS... I just read a new post since writing the above, and resent ridiculing everyone as a whole as though that person is 'holier than thou'. I agree that we were probably meant to eat only ''from the ground'' but our ancestors ruined that for us. [so what else is new]. I agree plantlife is much healthier, but until they discover a cure for Diabetes, I was born into this generation on the planet WITHOUT a cure yet.... and that is the ONLY way I can keep my glucose down, and still at least eat the very little that I AM left as a choice to eat. I've had to cut out everything else that I love to eat. Try doing that sometime, for the rest of your life while trying to save your limbs from being cut off..... and your eyesight, and many other complications, and see what you would choose to do. Medications are VERY dangerous, my mother.... a diabetic also but for over 50 years, almost died many times, or went into a coma from Insulin so I choose the strict and proper diet instead, and thank god that I have that choice every day of my life since stricken in the last 4 years. Diabetes is growing every day in leaps and bounds and overcoming children even moreso iinto an epidemic, in case no one's aware of it.... so you ALL better start re-thinking your high carb and high sugar diets of only carbohydrates, even the healthy plant ones.... and fruits are even worse. I haven't been able to have a piece of fruit for 4 YEARS, and can't live on only celery sticks. When it comes to humans vs. annimals...... people come first and yes, that IS the choice in some cases...... like mine. So sometimes blanket statements like the one below.... are also just as inappropriate and INHUMANE.

And yes, I've read and heard Dr. Oz say that the meat lasts a long time in our intestines, to have a chance to rot and decay inside of us, and that is probably WHY we live to a life span of only around 80+ through evolution IF lucky, instead of each of us living hundreds of years if not eating meat.... but that's the breaks. I as a diabetic, would have been dead long ago without my meats [mostly chicken & fish]. So why, by the way.... are our life spans growing longer through the generations. We as a species are NOT eating LESS meat.

It's cultural. It goes waaaay back when humans were hunter-gatherers. Meat was really good food too, because it's practically complete. You have to go a long way to find a single vegetable that matches the nutritional profile of meat.

I eat meat and I DO care about killing the animal. I get very angry when I see a dressed chicken with a huge hematoma (bruise) on it. Not because it spoils the taste much, but because it's not right that the animal, already doomed to die, is made to suffer before dying. I'm all for humane killing of animals for food. I don't like it either when they crowd so many of the animals together on farms, just to get the most out of the space. They should be treated nicely and made comfortable.

It is just part of the human eating habit. Meat has become part of the food chain.There are people who do not eat meat because of their religious beliefs.Way back in history when people were moving all the time eating meat become a way life.If we think about animals we got to think about fish and chicken too.

I care about the indiscriminate killing of animals
the housing and care of animals bred as a food source
the hygiene practices of people slaughtering animals for human consumption
Then I look at vegans wearing leather shoes, other animal products and ask myself.. should I be better off hugging trees?
sorry....pulses don't compete!

People eat meat because they have a deep and abiding reverence for plants.

Probably because humans have been doing it for a million yrs or however long we have been here. its what we do, its in our nature, wouldnt catch a caveman passing up some meat. Todays society just has alot more options and a hell of alot to to critisize, and nothing better to do than watch what other ppl are doing rather than hunting for survival

I think it's because it formed out of habit. Our ape cousins actually eat each other when they go all crazy with their territory.

we eat meat coz it is healthy and tasty.............yummy

I don't. Certain animals have no worth except as food for humans.

PETA stands for people eating tasty animals.

Most people don't actually make the connection between the cow and the steak. It is not a moral issue for them as they don't even see the argument against it.

Yeah, pretty much. I've even killed ones I've raised and then cooked and eaten them. I knew from the start that they were destined for the table. I have no problem with that.

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