Where do the rotten eggs come from or why are they?!
Where do the rotten eggs come from or why are they?
The rotten eggs are the people on yahoo answers who judge others with harsh religious speculation, people who are racist, call others FAT, or people who are using this forum to cheat on their homework!!
time to see a therapast
there unfertalised eggs that go off like evrything else.They come from chickens
because an egg sits too long
you are kidding ain't you
Well depending on if you believe that eggs come from chickens? Not the carton at the store.
Rotten eggs are just normal eggs that have gone bad. Like off milk, it doesn't start rotten it just slowly becomes rotten
first, rotten eggs r just what they r, rotten eggs; however, I'll bet u didn't know tha in the Phllipine Islands, the rotten eggs are considered a delicacy. They're called "belute" , which r nothing more than eggs that have ben kept n the ground for a few days until they get really nasty, then they go around selling them on bikes, hollering out "belute, belute", & people just come running.