Spiked Drink?!


Spiked Drink?

I went out clubbin with girls last week. We all had roughly the same amount to drink, but my friend was hammered. And this particular friend can usually handle her drink ten times better than any of us. She was very ill the next day and coulnd't keep anything down. She barely remebers anything from the night before and could hardly walk!

Anyone know anything about this sort of thing? Does it sound like she had too much to drink or is it possible her drink was spiked.

I dont know about your friend, but one way of stopping your drink getting spiked is with 'spikeys' you can get them in the sumpermarket and you basically shove them in the end of your bottle and put a straw through it. no-one can then put anything in it and the spikey doesnt come out - you just throw it away with the bottle, they come in packs of ten and are really cheap!!!


(also availiable at sainsbury's)

Wish someone would spike my drink, would save me a small fortune..

could be, or may just be that she didn't eat much that day so it affected her more.

sounds a little like some one spiked her drink hun. Seriously... I own a busy pub....! You got to watch out for each other.... NEVER EVER leave your drink unattended or get a drink from someone you dont know. I actually have paid door staff to keep an eye out for this sort of thing. Sadly there are some real low lifes out there that ruin things for everyone....!

it could be many things....like she didnt eat a lot..have worst day to drink....or drink was spiked....and this is common...u should be very carefull....dontleave drink on the bar or whatever...just lve wit friends...or keep it on your own...cos i had simmilar situation..i felt completly drunk after 2 drinks...and feelt really wierd...

Mmmmmm is she on any medication at the moment that could have affected her when mixed with booze?

if not then you can get special stoppers to go in your bottles to stop people spiking them....

hope this helps

there are unwritten rules about clubbing 1. dont leave your drink unattened and 2 if it is get a new one. 3. always watch them make it, and 4 if a stranger buys you one ask the bartender to make it and serve you. Sounds to me like there was a date rape drug put in her drink its very common thing and hard to catch someone doing it.

She could have been spiked but if she made it to the end of the evening with you then it's more likely that her hormone levels were higher than for the other weeks of the month and that meant that she couldn't process the alchohol as well as she normally does-hence being hammered quicker and being so ill the next day.

Sounds like her drink was spiked. Make sure you keep your drinks with you all the time when clubbing!

Everybody goes through different moods and depending on her mood (conscienciously on sub) depends on how much she can or can't drink. So it could be that.

But by the sounds of it she was drugged and should go and get tested for what it was incase there are any further complications.

To prevent this you can also get test sheets that detect foreign liquids but im not 100% sure where you can get them... I have only seen them once.

It is possible her drinks were spiked, but if she was drinking alcoholic drinks anyway, what would be the point. More likely she just overdid it, and suffered the consequences.

Maybe she wasn't well to begin with?

Sounds like her drink was spiked. Some low life sc*mbag probably dropped something in her drink whilst she wasn't looking. Why people get off on spiking drinks and ruining other people's night just completely baffles me.

My advice, for what it's worth...

1. Only buy drinks in bottles, which should be opened in front of you. Never accept an already-open bottle.

2. NEVER leave your drink unattended.


3.If you're holding your drink whilst dancing, chatting, etc. keep your thumb over the end of the bottle.

Maybe she had some drinks on the sly without your knowledge.

Hmmmmm I know many many people who have claimed to be spiked but at the end of the day they were just drunk.

I think there was a study about this subject a while back in the UK which suggested that only about 5% of people claiming to have been spiked actually were.

That's not to say it doesn't happen and all the advice on here is well worth taking note of.

Some people just react differently at different times to alcohol - I've been on all day sessions and only got a bit wobbly and some days I've had a couple of pints and I'm falling all over the place (I know ..... it's not big and it's not clever)

If she was spiked I suppose it depends what she was spiked with to make her react that way.

All drugs have certain effects so maybe it'll be worth researching what she was like then you might be able to notice it in others when you go out maybe stop potential problems or seek medical attention before it gets too out of control.

I also think it's just as important to be warey and never to leave your friends talking to or going off with strangers because there are some bloomin horrible people out there.

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