What sugar substiute is the best?!


What sugar substiute is the best?

As a new vegetarian I am trying to embrace a totally healthy lifestyle. My problem is I'm trying to wean myself off of white sugar and eventually all sugars that are not in foods naturally. I'm doing fairly well, but as a former addict (to sugar) I still crave some sweetness. I really like splenda. Iis it the "best"?

Don't do it, any of the fake sugars should be avoided.

Your best bet is fair trade organic raw cane sugar, tree sugars like maple, birch, honey, mashed berries, etc.

See there are a lot of ways to enjoy sweetness without poisoning your body with refined white sugar or the horror of artificial sweeteners. Yes they have few calories but the hell they put your body through isn't worth it.

Every day I have 150g of berries on things like toast (I have a sweet tooth), in cereal, stews, etc. Occasionally when I am baking and need a finer sugar. I toss the cane sugar in my grinder (can use a coffee bean grinder) and then add it to the liquid in the recipe to make a syrup. It works well for most things.

Please for the love of your health don't eat that crap.

Splenda has chemicals in it and it's still refined. I use Sweetleaf under the brand name stevia. It's all natural and 0 calories. It is sweeter then sugar so you have to adjust the amount.


I like splenda or honey, but maybe you should look at getting a juicer. Lot's of natural sugars from fructose.

I like Splenda. You can use it for anything. I have even made homemade ice cream with it

It has to be Splenda! I, myself have to eat any sweets made with Splenda due to gastric bypass.... now you can find food made with splenda.... even jellies!

There are some sugar-free/no sugar added food that tastes good without the aftertaste....

Jello brand SF (sugar-free) pudding
Oreo SF cookies (walmart carries them)
Edys SF ice cream, especially the Mint Choco Chip!!
Murray's SF Mint cookies (tasted like Girl Scouts Mint Cookies!!)

many more......

Now new on the market! Pillsbury brand Reduced Sugar Yellow cake mix and it includes the Carmel Apple Crisp recipe that uses this cake mix along with Smuckers SF carmel syrup!!! Mmmmmm....I tried it and LOVE it!

I use splenda, but I have used steviva also. Splenda is ok if you don't mind the chemicals. Steviva is straight from the plant. It's sweet and I liked it but it was a bit pricey and has an aftertaste. The aftertaste took a while to get over but other than that it was great. Good luck! Hope this helped! :)

SPLENDA rocks my world!

Try Corn syrup.

Stevia is the best alternative to sugar, though I personally can't stand the taste. A little goes a LONG way, as it can be sickeningly sweet.

Honey is also good.

Artificial sweeteners are not good. Try Stevia or just get used to the less sweet flavor in your food. I did too and now I can't eat that commercial stuff any more cause it gives me tooth ache.

I agree with someone else - Stevia. Sweet Leaf Stevia is by far the best. It is so sweet, a little goes a long way. I used this in my Organic Shade Grown Coffee - the dark chocolate flavor. You can find it at Health Food stores. It comes in a normal flavor as well as the dark chocolate and cinnamon.

Stevia is the best choice.

totally off subject, but if that pic is you, then all i can say is wow....beuatiful eyes..... you should thank your parents for them.

No sugar substitute is by any means the best. Sugar substitutes are Poisonous.. Don't believe me? See for your self.

Abel is right. Your basically eating a chemical that tricks your body into tasting sweet..way too much of it. Stevia though..I don't use at home, but have used it on occasion. This is probably the only sweetener I'd endorse personally. Otherwise use raw unprocessed sugars sparingly. No more then 4 tbsp a day. The only thing I use sugar with is cereal and sometimes tea as a direct sweetener..and use it in probably 1/3 of my cooking, again sparingly unless its a certain sweet dish like teriyaki.

agave nectar is the only one i can find that's natural, tastes good, and doesn't raise your blood sugar level. good luck!

Please please please don't eat splenda.

Here is an exerpt from the website Truth about Splenda:

Fiction: Splenda has been thoroughly tested.

Fact: There has not been a single long-term human study to determine the potential health effects of Splenda on people. The FDA relied on a few short-term tests when it reviewed the safety of Splenda for human consumption. Worse, these human tests were all conducted by the manufacturer of Splenda, hardly an unbiased source. The vast majority of tests reviewed by the FDA to determine whether Splenda was safe for human consumption were conducted on animals, including rats and rabbits.

It just scares me - it is so artificial!
Try agave nectar (it really is wonderful), real maple syrup, brown rice syrup or even just raw sugar.
I think it is great you are trying to limit your intake of sugar but Splenda is so unnatural that you aren't doing yourself any favors but using it.

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