Vegetarians: are any of you conservative?!


Vegetarians: are any of you conservative?

It seems like all vegetarians are limosene liberals who drive japanese cars and are insane like Al Gore or Al Sharpton.

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1 day ago
Foreign cars steal American JOBS. That's what's wrong with driving a lexus. Anyone whod drives anything besides a Ford, GM, or Chrisler or one of thier brands HATES AMERICA.


1 day ago
Foreign cars steal American JOBS. That's what's wrong with driving a lexus. Anyone whod drives anything besides a Ford, GM, or Chrisler or one of thier brands HATES AMERICA.


Card carrying Republican from California, who has been a vegetarian for over 25 years. Can't stand Al Sharpton or Algore. Drive a Lincoln Gator, because it pulls my boat.

Clueless little man. I'm quite liberal and dont have a Japanese car and dont much care for Al Sharpton.

My mother in law is republican..and so is my brother in law and you know what? They are racist clueless twits too! Shall I give you their phone numbers?

Another young rube, talking off the top of his head?

My wife's a vegetarian and a Dem. She drives a Japanese car, a 4-yr old Honda Pilot which I leased (that was assembled, parts made in Ohio.. that's the USA... P.S. - many American cars are now made in Canada or Mexico). She was duped by the Al Gore movie, like many who see it -- as he speaks of his 8yrs in the White House (damaging on this issue) in half-a-sentence, in a 2 hr movie. My spouse doesn't care of Al Sharpton. She also can eat a salad -- and want the Capitol Punishment of just about any murderer, rapist or kidnapper publicized. In fact, when it's ALL boiled down.. I'd term her a "conservative Democrat".

As a meat-eating republican myself.. I can absolutely say to you, that you need a CLUE and a shave. (You also can use a dictionary- to try to spell a word like "limo" correctly.) Now, go back to watching dopey chat-shows where 4 goofballs sit around a table and recite articles they'd read - to people like you that ingest stereotypes and squeeze-out 2-3% cognition of what's going on around you.

I am lib, but my boyfriend is a card caring member of the elephant club. Opposites attract I guess. and i haven't given up that he will see the "light" soon. he did after all become a vegan. who knows. lol

Hugs Kuka

What's wrong with driving a Lexus? I wish I had one.

Hmpf. Shows you how much YOU know.
I consider myself a Democrat, but due to the fact that I staunchly practice my Roman CATHOLIC religion, I tend to be conservative about many issues - including abortion and stem cell research.
Yes, I drive a Honda because American cars are not as reliable....
Insane? I'm insane about saving the environment (I recycle), about living a healthy life (which is why I'm a vegetarian) and about helping the less fortunate - which is something that the Republicans cannot claim that they do with a straight face.
So before you come pointing fingers over here and calling people insane, realize that there are three pointing back at you.

I'm a vegetarian and am quite conservative. For the record, my Japanese truck was made entirely in America, not Mexico or Canada like some "American" cars are. Being a healthier, less cruel person transcends political affiliations.

yea, what about the japanese electronics you buy or anything made in china that you might buy. or how bout that digital camera from germany...etc etc. You are so uneducated it's sad.

I think I sense a disgruntled American auto worker who secrety dents foreign cars when you park next to them.

OK, John Q., you're making Republicans look like fools. If that is yoru intent, it's working. If not, please go away and let us fight the good fight w/o you.

General Motors cars are made in Mexico, and Toyotas are made in Shreveport, LA. Which car is foreign?

And no, I've never met a conservative vegetarian.

I'm sort of conservative. I live in Canada and our conservatives are "lighter" than yours are.

I think Al gore is a fool, Michael Moore is selective with the truth and Al Sharpton is quite a weener. I am pro-stem cell, pro-christian, pro-gay rights, pro-choice moderate. I don't drive, i am a vegetarian, and think global warming is baloney.

I am also opposed to the death penalty but think it's great to see murderers sent to jail for 25 to life.

That's pretty funny about the cars - get in yours and take a little tour of the hospital and lawyer office parking lots. That's where you'll find the bastions of conservative politics, and where you'll find almost all Lexus, Mercedes, BMW's, etc.

But to answer your question, there are vegetarians of all political persuasions.

What does this have to do with food and drink? Demoncrap or Repoman both are gonna screw you.

*laugh* you r special!

I love Michael Moore, and even more so, Bill Maher!! Go them!!
I dirve a Nissan. I like my Nissan too! My AMERICAN brother works for Nissan as a tester, I get great deals!

Call me anything you want, just don't call me a conservative!

I have little respect for America, but it has nothing to do with being liberal. IT has to do with the fact this country is one big hypocrisy.

Instead of worrying about where we buy things from maybe you should worry about who we're helping. If the US shared it's potential wealth and power with the world no one would care what came from where because we'd be united. In fact most of Europe is united..wait, doesn't the rest of the world hate America for the most part? I wonder how come..

Politics are for people who need to be reminded what they believe in. I developed my beliefs through personal experience, where did you read yours?

It also sounds like you aren't too happy with yourself if one of you're biggest concerns is car possession.

Okay if what we're talking about here is cars, then anyone who buys an American car wastes their money! When Honda's, Toyota's, Lexus etc etc
guarantees 10 years or more and better miles and better on gas and so on and so on!

I'm a 100%raw vegan, and am so for health reasons, not because I love animals or because it's trendy.

I *do* drive a used toyota camry. *shrug* What can I say? I wanted a quality, long lasting vehicle. Toyota has ford and chevy squarely beaten in that regard. If American made was just as good, I would shell out the extra fundulation for it. Alas...*sigh*.

I'm not a conservative, liberal, cenerist or a moderate.

I'm a Libertarian, just like Neal Boortz and Clint Eastwood:

Make my day!


to answer your question, I am vegetarian, and about as conservative as you can get. I don't get involved in politics, cuz I don't agree with any of them. But I go to church every week, belive in saving sex for marriage, belive abortion is murder (no letters on this please) and many, many other things that make me about as conservative as you get.

so, y es.. we do exist.. in fact, I know a ton of people just like me (conservative vegetarians).

I do not believe it is hating america to drive a foriegn car. America is built on consumer options. That's the whole point of our economy. The consumer gets to chose which product (i..e.. car) he likes best.

I drive a Mazda Protege. That does not make me unpatriotic OR liberal.

I'm probably moderate or conservative, but to talk about cars doesn't have anything to do with it.

A friend, who has owned European cars for years along with most of his family, bought a top of the line new GM flagship car, the Corvette. He was wanting one for a long time.

Turns out it had to go to the shop a few times and now he want to get rid of it and get a foreign car, because stats show they are more reliable.

I've never liked the way American cars are marketed (based on the latest fads, if the model is not successful then ditch it and change the model name next time) which is part of the reason I believe Japanese and European cars are popular.

If I had a lot of money I wouldn't have any problem buying them, but I need something reliable for the price.

yup, i'm democrat, vegetarian, and a card-carrying sociopath. :) just kidding..... sort of. but you should just let things be.... i know lots of vegetarians that are conservative, like my friend lauren. enough with the labels, please!!!

i got this message from this person earlier today, it gives you some sort of clue where he's coming from...planet Mars....

From: John Q. Republican

Subject: You are wrong.

Message: Humans were meant to eat meat. Humans have eaten meat for centuries. It's in the bible. God gave man DOMINION OVER ANIMALS. Do you not believe in God?

As for animal rights, the Idea is SO rediculous. Humans will NEVER stop eating meat. Vegans and Vegetarians will ALWAYS be an infinitesimal percentage of the human population. Read the bible "God gave man DOMINION OVER ANIMALS." Animals are supposed to be LOWER than humans. That's why they're stupid.

I'm eating a BIG ******* bag of pork rinds as I'm typing this. For every animal you don't eat I WILL EAT THREE!


What a srange person this is, how on earth did he learn to type in a straight jacket ?

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